3/ heartbeats

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Heyyy sooo I know it's been like two weeks but I've been busy so I just made this chapter real quick but it's important I promise lol.
Remember no trigger warnings if you need them there in the Description enjoy!
Never talk to strangers. That's what my mother always told me. She told me that the minute I saw someone outside, I ran as fast as I could because they would murder me. But now that I'm out here meeting these new people, they never seemed as bad as Mother put them out to be, like the cashier or that lovely lady at the dog park. But fear struck my body the minute that man touched me. It made me shiver in fear and tingle. I was unsure why, but I was uncomfortable. I fear everyone around me right now. I trust no one.
I was shocked, of course, when a male voice spoke to me. But it was soft and calm, very different from the men I've encountered around this town.

I slowly look over to the person with this beautiful voice. The first thing I notice are his gorgeous hazel eyes. They lock on to mine, and it puts me in a haze. His black floppy hair falls against his forehead in a mess, but it fits in with his thick eyebrows. I analyze his face further, not daring to open my mouth. He lifts the cup to his mouth and takes a sip of the forbidden liquid. He looks over at me again with those mesmerizing eyes.

"You gonna keep lookin', or you want one?" His voice fills my ears as he brings his glass over to my side of the table. I look away with a quick motion. My face heats up in embarrassment as my heart flutters. My whole body starts shaking with this new feeling. What the hell is happening to me? I could run a marathon right now. My heart is beating faster every time he looks at me. I want to run, but not out of fear. But happiness. I felt jumpy and jittery and wanted to laugh.
My hands stay flat on the table, shaking a little. He turns his head to me again, his eyebrows scrunching together. He looks down at my hands, seemingly knowing I'm not okay. I bite the bottom of my lip, wanting this feeling to go away.

"Hey, calm down flower. I ain't gonna hurt ya." My heart skips a beat as I feel my face heating even more. His voice is deep but steady, and it calms me down. But it made me tremble in ways I couldn't understand. I wanted to get near him but run as fast as I could at the same time.

My head stayed down the whole time, and my hair still stuck in many directions.
"Leave me alone." My voice was low and cracked; I felt vulnerable and wanted to hide. I didn't want him to leave me alone, but I was scared of what he was doing to me. I wanted to get away.

His hazel eyes stare into my soul, the room's sounds filling my head.

"Now why would I do that little flower?"

Fear filled my body; I immediately remembered the man outside. I look down at my pale arms, seeing that bruises are starting to form on them. I sigh, knowing I'll have to clean those when I return to camp. I need to leave now. I look at the drink on the table. I want to run, but I can't. Something is stopping me. My head is spinning with thoughts. I need Kardack. Where is he? My brown eyes fill with tears. If I wasn't shaking before, I 100% am now. I didn't dare to open my eyes for fear of what this man would do to me.

The minute I make up my mind, something stops me. I looked up at the man before me. I looked into those hazel eyes again. My heart still flutters for him; it wants to jump out of my chest as I look him in the eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey what's goin on?" His voice is stern with me but not to scare me. But out of pure confusion. I should be running right now, but I haven't, and I dont know why.

"Please d-dont hurt me.." I'm not even sure why I said something to him. Embarrassment filled me, and there were so many feelings that I could never understand.

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