just words.....

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The chief marshal of Asian protection unit moved with a confident pace towards wide stage, she stand there, roaming her eyes throughout the field like she was examining the abilities of newbies even though she also is as same age as them and even younger but the situations she handled in her past make her experienced more than anyone present there.
On the other hand taehyung's eyes was not leaving her site, he was trying finding the fakeness in her eyes but was failing miserably. Then a very much practical question meet his brain cells which somehow make him giggle. Jimin eyed him and raised his eyebrows in question that why he giggled.

Taehyung: they are very much impressive in everything but they forget to put mic on stage, how is she gonna talk? Hehe

Jimin just chuckled at his bestfriend's alien brain cells, of course only he can think like that. Soon taehyung's eyes widen at hearing high voice of chief.
Her voice was strong and deep than normal girls, her voice was reaching everyone's ears very well and clearly. Her voice was itself a proof of her strongness. Taehyung was staring at her with wide eyes but soon his mind captured her words that what she was saying

Chief: Hello generals, Lieutenants, captains, majors, marshals, . Hello soldiers. Well, if you all are expecting me to welcome you all with a bright hello, then drop the idea. Because you all are not here to be welcomed, you are here to be tested that whether you can be prepared to be a real protector.
People say soldier's life is tough, but what we say here is soldier's perspective and path towards is tough not their life. We are searching for the ones who are relentless, not for themselves not for their desires , nit even for any particular nation but relentless to protect the humanity which is destroying by the hands of those terrerist. We are searching for those who are ready to be prepared to kill and to be killed for humanity and the whole Asia.
Who is ready to join me in this path to destroy evil?

Her voice get loud with each passing second.
Everyone: WE


everyone: WE



soon his cold face turned into a smiling face and at that time taehyung find the fakeness. Fakeness in her smile. His eyes widen a little when her eyes meet his.

Chief: Mr. If you don't wanna be here, you can go from where you came.

Taehyung looked here and there but soon realised that she pointed him and why? Because he did not answer with everyone. Taehyung came out in front standing straight.

Taehyung: I'm very much ready to kill those who don't think before coloring their hands with innocents blood. And more than that I'm gladly here to die for those whom I love.

She came down from stage, her stare intimidating but taehyung's eyes never leave her, not wanting to look down in front of a woman. She stand in front of her, hands behind her back tangled with each other as she looked in his eyes.

Chief: dieing is never a first option but killing is. Dieing for just loved ones is selfishness, we accept those who kill and killed to protect those who are not even aware of our existence. And Mr. If you are just here to protect your loved ones, gladly go back.

Taehyung eyes darken.....

Taehyung: yes I'm selfish. Human is not a human without flaws, we are here to save humanity which can only be saved when we are humans not some saint angels.

A small smile appeared on her lips, listening his answer she remembered a faint memory she dig deep inside her heart.

Chief : well said umm Mr.?

Taehyung: general Kim taehyung

Chief: well said Mr. Kim, will look forward to see your humanity along with you flaws.

She tap his shoulder gently and walked out along with akshay and shahrukh. While taehyung stand there froze. The little touch make a electric current go through his spine. He felt some thing strange and tingle.
His thought interrupted by jimin.

Jimin: what you strange brain cells thinking now?

Taehyung: uhh huh nothing,

Jimin: she is a great person seems to be right?

Taehyung was thinking how to answer, he wanted to decline it, he was trying finding a flaw in her, a little bit of fakeness, a little bit of lie but nothing but still he said....

Taehyung: yeah good at,
Just words.........

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Scarlett used to say she really wanna be someone this much strong, somehow her personality was like the yn here but not completely, she a sweet, caring, loving side......

I love you my life

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I love you my life......

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