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Let's get started 💪

Shalini got a call in the morning and she picked it up.
She was an orphan and she stayed in Angel's orphan.
She got called from her orphanage the head lady of the orphan told her that some people were standing outside of the orphanage with a JCB machine and demanding her presence or else they would collapse the orphanage.
Shalini said that she would be there in 30 minutes and not to worry.
Shalini called the office and said that she would be late today and left for the Angels Orphanage.
She reached there and the head lady immediately came running to her
Shalini = Tell me what happened exactly?
Lady = beta they are saying that the owner of this land has sold the land to some businessmen and now they want us to leave this place. Beta we have no place to go they said u can help us. Do something, please
Shalini = Relax Aunty let me look into this matter u don't worry about it, I won't let anything happen to u guys.
Shalini went to the lawyer who was standing with the JCB machine and without anger spoke.
Shalini = how can u come with a JCB? Did u even give us any prior information about this land being sold? Is this how the law of this country works?
Lawyer Look mam, I know very well how the law works and if u have a problem then talk to the landlord, he ordered us and this is his land and u have to leave this place!
Shalini = Fine, who is the landlord?
Lawyer = Ankush Patel.
Shalini = WHAT THE HELL? I won't LEAVE HIM THIS TIME and you look like u cannot do this it's illegal u have to give us a week to leave this place so leave right now.
Lawyer = Okay I am leaving but will come back after a week and break this building.
Shalini = yeah, yeah now will u please get lost!
Shalini left for the office as she knew the monster must be in the office itself.

Shalini reached the office and stormed into the cabin without even knocking
Ankush looked at her and raised her eyebrows.

Shalini = What the hell do u want? Can't you leave me in peace? Why do want to harm those innocent children who don't even have anyone with them?
What will u get after ruining their life like this?

Ankush stood up and came close to Shalini but Shalini was too angry to take a step back she kept on looking at the monstrous soul.

Ankush = First of all YOU ARE MY EMPLOYE AND AM THE BOSS so don't forget your place Miss Mishra secondly true I don't care about all those children. Why would I? U are there for them, and u care about them right, so save them also I want to build a mall there so I need to remove all the garbage from that place.
Shalini = garbage?  You are calling them garbage? Seriously? How inhuman you are? Tell me how come suddenly you want to build a mall at that place.
I have gone through all the projects there is not a single project of the mall for the next 2 years and u want to build a mall in the place of an orphanage over a night?
Ankush = Well it's my wish and I fulfil my wishes no matter what and with what right you are asking me all these questions? You are just a mare employee.
Shalini = You think I am a fool? You are doing all this because I refused to marry you.
Ankush took a few steps back and spoke.
Ankush = You do look like a fool but you are not.
(Said mockingly)
Shalini burned more in anger.

Ankush = Look let's cut to the chase if you want that orphanage to be safe along with the kids you have to marry me or else I will make sure every kid in the orphanage suffers fully, but if u become my wife I might consider your request miss Mishra.
Shalini = Why do you want to marry me?
Ankush = Umm firstly I just wanted to protect my and your image but after u refused me my ego got hurt so now, I just want to satisfy my ego. NO ONE DARED TO REFUSE ME MISS SHALINI AND YOU REJECTED MY OFFER SO NOW, SOMEONE HAS TO PAY FOR YOUR DARE.
Shalini = So you are doing this to those innocent kids because I refused to marry you? Marriage is not a game which u want to play to satisfy your ego MR PATEL.
Ankush = Now don't give all those lectures I am not interested in, the deal is clear you have to marry me if you want to save those children

Ankush took fast steps and came dangerously close to Shalini

Their breath was mixing

Ankush = you don't know anything about it yet.
Shalini = I know!
And she opened the door to leave

Ankush = You have 3 days to decide Miss Shalini.

Shalini slammed the door and left

Ankush pov
She is not what she looks like
I know there is something hidden deep down in those eyes. I don't see fear in them and that's something so unusual. I will get to know your secrets

Shalini pov
You are taking steps towards your destruction!

Shalini called someone
Shalini = good job now make sure nothing comes out this is working exactly like I wanted.

On the other hand Ankush on call
Ankush = Do as I say.

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Love Kushali. ❤️

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