Chapter 1

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As I stepped out of my door which was just plain brown I noticed a moving van "Strange„ I thought before continuing on my way the roads appeared to go on perpetuity like a maze. When I ultimately got to my little secondary school it was nearly the size of my own house which makes sense when there are like 10 kids in the whole school. Just then my bff Josh runs up. Josh is a boy with short raven-coloured hair which falls just below his jaws he's incredibly sporty  and loves playing football and swimming he has like 3 girls crushing on him at the moment which might not seem like much but in my school, that's a lot. "morning josh„ I say with a warm smile on my face "hello beautiful„ he says in a flirty voice "stop it you idiot„ I chuckle with a grin "nope„ he says bluntly before running off I pursued him with a sigh shaking my head with a small smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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