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If she hadn't tripped over her own feet while gawking at the mummy coffin in the basement. Imka would never have spotted the tiny bit of blue. It was almost buried in pile of dirt, tramped down by the centuries of artifact  who's bought down to the basement.
Be careful, Imka Joan buckett , the forty -something  archivist who's is Imka supervisor, stretched out a quick hand to keep her from falling. She didn't go down. Thank goodness. She still had a nasty bruise on her hip from the tumble she'd take a week ago. Wishing the heck she was less of a little less klutzy. Imka righted herself. That's when she spotted the bit of blue . She thought at first it was  a shard of glass or broken piece of plastic. Curious. She nudged it with the toe of her ballet flats.
Mrs buckett leaned closer and squinted under the brim of her glasses.
What is it?"
I'm not sure"  Imka dug a little deeper with toe. Hey it looks like a blue spider diamond necklace. It wasn't the first blue spider diamond necklace she and her team as seen . The blue spider diamond necklace was first necklace said was given to the empress andake by the emperor . The  supposed real necklace has been  archive few weeks ago,This one, Imka saw when she pried it out of the dirt, looked different from the necklaces picture, that was exhibited in the museum few weeks ago,  it body was longer, leaner and it has lost one of his leg. When she turned it over, the hieroglyphics on its belly were so worn they were barely distinguishable.
Looks like one of the cheap fake, that was made to put on display . Mrs buckett commented.
Feels like it too, Imka confirmed , probably dropped here after the exhibition.
But a nice souvenir just the same. If I could keep it.
She wasn't about to Get cross wise by the  Morocco law  or there director. The necklaces Imka dug out of the dirt looked and felt like a modern day produce version, but it wouldn't hurt to get the opinion of some more knowledge about these things.
Rachel the curator had already moved ahead to the other side of the basement with the Morocco curator Khadija
Yes ?
I found this buried in the dirt."  Imka uncurled her palm to reveal the little spider. Do you think it?
Khadija gave it a casual glance. Then she frowned and looked more closely
You found this ? She said slowly. Here.
When she took the spider and turned it over. The cease between her dark brows deepened.  She studied the marking for so long that Imka worried it might be the real .
This is .. she dropped it in her palm. This is fake and this is nothing to worry about. You can keep it.
Are you sure? I don't want to be in trouble.
No trust me , it just a junk.
Joan buckett beckoned urgently from the other side .
I think we have sorted everything we need to be  in exhibition,  we really did it. Time to go back upstairs.
Imka stay with me this time so that you 'll not fall again."

............... author note.....................
Thank you for reading this book.  The following story is purely frictional
And the plot should not be associated with any living being .
All the characters from this book is base on the k drama the K2 and  Vagabond and mission impossible.
Thank you once again .

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