Chapter-1:First step

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A man walks into the cabin of the Captain

"Good morning sir"

The Captain stood up and said as a gesture of respect to the Deputy Chief of the station

"Hmm good morning Mr.Connor"

"What brings you here sir? Is there any problem?"

"There isn't any problem but I do have news to share with you"

"What is it sir?"Jayden Bennett,the Deputy Chief smiled a little looking at the worried face of the Captain

"It is a good news Mr.Connor you are getting promoted to the prestigious rank of Commander"

"Really?"Valor asked shocked

"Do you think I would be joking about this Mr.Connor?"

"No sir and thank you sir"

"You don't have to you deserved this your bravery and loyalty is some of the reasons behind your promotion along with your success in every mission you went and I hope you will continue your best performance in future"

"I will sir I will not disappoint you"

"I know you won't Captain or should I say Commander Valor and another reason I came here is to know if you were able to find anything about the Shadow Cartel"

"No sir we tried to but they are so secretive and don't leave any trace they make it look like nobody ever did something there"
"We need find about them first Mr.Connor they getting more powerful and dangerous every passing day"

"Yes sir we are trying but is there any update from other stations or cities?"

"No there isn't"

Both of them were talking about the biggest gang of their country 'Shadow Cartel' the gang is ruling over the illegal works all over Olyndria and nobody knows anything about them there men are seen in some places but they never got caught nobody knows who is the leader or what illegal things they are involved along with diamond smuggling and killing if anyone saw them doing something they would kill them right there

('Olyndria' is the name of the country and Valor is living in the city 'Avalora' he was the Captain now Commander in one of the stations of 'Avalora')

"They ruled over the crime world within 1 and ½ year nobody expected that the gang doing small robberies will be able to do this"

"Sir even though it was small robberies but the way they cleared all the evidence was a hint of their gang being powerful"

"Yes it was(silence)Mhm now let's go and announce about this"

Both them went out of the cabin

"Attention everyone I have an announcement to make so call everyone here"

Soon all the officer gathered there

"I gathered you all to inform that Mr.Valor Connor the Captain of this station is promoted to the rank of Commander let's give him a big round of applause"

"Captain Valor totally deserved it he is such an amazing leader"

"Working under him is something to be proud of"

"Congratulations Commander Valor sir"

"Thank you everyone" He smiled while looking at everyone hearing the praises

"Continue to support and work as a strong team everyone and congratulations again on your promotion Commander"

"Thank you sir but what about the new captain?"

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