Chapter-4:Enmeshed in Falsehood

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Valor's mother,Harriet was coming back after buying some groceries she reached at home and was in the garden in front of their house going towards the door when......

"Good morning Mrs.Connor"

"Oh Mrs.Wales(smile)Morning when did you return?"

Harriet asked the woman who was neighbour standing in the main gate before their garden while she headed towards her

"Last night so thought to check on you"

"That's so nice of you Mrs.Wales please come inside"

"I guess you are between any work right now I will come later"

Mrs.Wales said in a polite tone after glancing once at the grocery bag in her hand

"No it's fine Mrs.Wales I just went to buy some groceries after breakfast I will be bored anyway"


"Good morning ladies"

They both turned to the source of the voice

"Oh Good morning Mrs.Alden"

Mrs.Wales said

"How are you Mrs.Alden?"

Harriet asked

"I am fine Mrs.Connor(gazed at the bag in her hand)Are you coming back from somewhere?"

"Yeah I went to grocery-"

"Oh poor you in the age of taking rest you have go outside to buy things"

"Health is most important in this age Mrs.Alden so I don't see any problem in it,sitting doing nothing is bad for health in this age"

"Yeah that is a fact but I sometimes feel bad for you.You live all alone in this house even though you have a son"

Both Harriet and Mrs.Wales looked at each other already guessing where it is going

"I wonder how you live alone I could never even though I know I won't have to face that as my son lives with me here I know it is usual for adult children to move out of their parent's house but I am getting old too at least I have someone at home at night to talk with rather than staying alone all the time and I think Valor also don't visit here often,does he?"

She said mockingly while

Mrs.Wales stared at her in disbelief how can she just mock someone like that she was going to say something but.......

"Well what can I even do I don't want to move out from here Mrs.Alden and MY son Valor is in Police,a Commander to be specific it is common for him to have transfer or stay somewhere far from his home he followed his passion which even gained him respect and made me proud for being HIS mother and He often visits me but he got promoted recently so he is busy"

Harriet said,her tone showing how proud she is,of her son's success

"You are right Mrs.Connor even I met him the last time he visited.He is a sweet boy not everyone gets a son like him"

"Y-yeah(awkward tone)He is really n-nice though Oh(checked her wristwatch)I think I need to leave I need to cook"

She left after giving them an awkward smile

"You did good Mrs.Connor I don't know why she always thinks of herself as someone supreme all she does is mock people around her"

Mrs.Wales said rolling her eyes
"Mhmm Mrs.Wales come inside let's have a cup of tea while talking"

Harriet said trying to change the topic

"(smile)Sounds nice to me"

Mrs.Wales replied not waiting talk about it anymore as it can make Harriet feel upset

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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