First night of freedom

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The trio walk into the abandoned hotel. Leon has his Matilda in his hand while Claire holds Sherry in her arms. "Don't worry Sherry, I'm sure it's safe. Leon is just being protective." Sherry nods and rests her head on Claire's shoulder. Claire can tell that Sherry is extremely tired, the adrenaline has definitely worn off. "It's clear" Leon shouts from further in the hotel. He walks back over to the 2 girls and smiles that goofy smile at Claire and she can't help but smile back. She pats Sherry's back. "We got a sleepy Sherry on our hands" Claire says while still smiling at Leon. Leon chuckles and rubs Sherry's back "you want to choose our room" he asks Sherry. Sherry lights up. The 3 walk to the front desk and turn the monitor on to look at the rooms. They see a room on the top floor that has 2 rooms in one basically. It's the biggest room the hotel has to offer. Claire and Leon look at eachother. "It'll have to do" Leon says staring into Claire's eyes. Claire smiles "it'll be perfect".

They take the key card and use the elevator to get to the 12th floor. The top floor of the hotel. They enter the room and put the supplies down on the bench beside the door. Claire puts Sherry down. "I'll get the shower ready for you Sherry, you grab the clothes we got for you at the store." Sherry nods to Claire "okay" she says with a tired smile. Sherry goes into the bag and grabs her new clothes. She picked out pink leggings and a t shirt with a unicorn on it. Leon smiles at Sherry, she takes a seat next to him on the floor and leans on him. "Thank you Leon for saving me" Leon can't help but smile at the young girl. He gives her a hug "no problem Sher.. no problem." Claire comes out of the washroom to see this she smiles, then walks over to them. "Showers ready" Claire says with a smile. Sherry smiles back and goes into the washroom to shower. Claire then sits next to Leon on the floor. She leans her head back on the wall and sighs. "Tired too huh?" She looks over at Leon who is staring at her. "Yeah.. I think the adrenaline has worn off on all of us" she says while looking into his blue eyes. The blue eyes she can't seem to get enough off. Leon feels a slight warm grow on his face. He moves his face to look at the room. Claire smiles and also turns to look at the room. "Once I'm showered I'm sleeping for a week" Claire says with a laugh, which cause Leon to chuckle "that sounds like a great idea." Claire yawns as Sherry comes out of the washroom "I'm finished" she says with a smile. "You go shower Claire. I'll help Sherry get to sleep". "Thank you Leon" Claire says with a tired smile as she grabs her new jeans and tank top, and enters the washroom.

Claire undresses and sees herself in the mirror. She looks at the many scrapes and bruises that litter her body. There is a pretty prominent bruise on her arm. She thinks about how beat up Leon probably looks as she turns the water on and gets in the shower. She sighs as the warm water starts to wash away all the blood, dirt and whatever else was on her from the creatures they faced. For the first time in hours she relaxes herself while she cleans up.

Outside the washroom, Leon is tucking Sherry into bed. Sherry is already asleep by the time her head hits the pillow. He makes sure she's covered by the blankets, he then grabs the stuffed cat she picked out and puts it next to her. "Goodnight Sherry" he whispers. He then slowly leaves the small room that Sherry is sleeping in. He then sits back on the floor near the bathroom door waiting for Claire to be finished. After a couple more minutes, Claire exits the washroom. "Took you long enough" Leon says with a sly smile. "Well you know how us women are" Claire says back jokingly "shh quiet, Sherry is sleeping" Leon says quietly. Claire nods "in case I'm asleep before you're done, goodnight Leon" he smiles then enters the washroom. Just as Claire did, Leon undresses and looks at all his newly acquired scrapes, bruises and a gunshot wound in his arm.

Claire hears the water turn on as she enters the other bedroom in their hotel room. She grabs the blankets and gets into bed. She falls asleep to the sound of the shower in the other room. Leon finishes up and changes into a navy blue t shirt and grey sweatpants. He quietly enters the bedroom with Claire in it. He sees there is only one bed and that Claire is already in it. "Hm.. shoot.." Leon doesn't notice Claire stir as he grabs a blanket and pillow and places it on the floor. "What are you doing Leon?" She asks in a tired and confused whisper. "Making my bed.. why?" She giggles "there's a perfectly good bed right here" she pats the side of the bed next to her. "Are you sure you're okay with that?" He asks nervously with a blush on his face. "Oh please Leon.. we've been through hell and back together. I'm not letting you sleep on the floor." "Well.. okay. I won't argue with that." Leon grabs the blanket and pillow off the floor and carefully crawls into the bed next to Claire. They both lie facing eachother. Leon closes his eyes and tries to fall asleep. Claire stares at him, admiring everything about him. She too then closes her eyes. After a couple minutes she opens them again. "...Leon.. are you still awake?.." he keeps his eyes closed but he answers "barely." She sighs "..I ..I can't sleep." Leon opens his eyes and looks concerned as Claire continues "I'm scared that if I fall asleep, I'll wake up in that hell hole again." She fidgets with the blanket while looking down at it. Suddenly without a word Leon wraps his arms around her and pulls her close to him. Her head resting on his chest. She breathes in deeply inhaling his scent and sighs. "You don't have to worry Claire.. we are free from Raccoon City, and I'll never let anything happen to you or Sherry ever again." Claire wraps her arms around him and squeezes tight, burying her face in his chest before she looks back up at him. She smiles tiredly "Thank you Leon." He smiles at her. He notices her look down at his lips for a quick second. He blushes and looks at hers as well. They start to lean in towards eachother, their faces just inches apart. Leon reaches his hand to her face and brushes a lose strand of her hair behind her ear. They both blush as they lean in and close the distance. Their lips are suddenly on eachothers. They share a slow and gentle kiss. They pull away from eachother smiling. "You know Claire, I could get used to that." "Oh could you now." She says with a grin as they lean back into eachother and their lips meet again. This time in a deeper and more passionate kiss. It lasts a few seconds and they pull away smiling again. "Leon?.. would it be crazy if I said that the 24 hours I've known you for was enough for me to well.. fall in love with you?..." Leon smiles widely as Claire blushes profusely. "As long as you don't call me crazy for thinking the same thing." He then kisses her forehead and brings her head back to his chest and snuggles her. "We can talk about this more tomorrow. Right now, we need some sleep." He runs his thumb back an forth on her cheek as she snuggles him. "Sounds good." Claire says while yawning. Leon chuckles. "Goodnight Claire." She continues to stay snuggled against him. "Goodnight Leon."

Within a matter of minutes Claire is able to fall asleep. It's because she feels safe with Leon by her side and like she can finally rest easy. Leon breathes in deeply while smelling her washed hair and breaths a relaxed sigh. "Who would've imagined finding love in a city like that." He says to himself as he to falls asleep.

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