The start of something new

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In the middle of the night, Leon wakes up and notices Claire twitching and flinching. Her expression looks frightened. Leon gets worried and starts to rub her arm. "Claire.. Wake up Claire" Leon says in a low voice. Claire's eyes snap open and look into Leon's. She gasps and starts to cry. "You're okay.. oh Leon you're okay." She hugs him. "Shh... it's okay.. it was just a bad dream is all.. I'm right here." Leon says as he sits her up and he hugs her while they sit in bed together. "I don't want to go back to sleep Leon.. I'm scared." Leon shakes his head and brushes the hair out of Claire's face and wipes a tear from her cheek with his thumb. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you Claire.. never. You're safe with me." Claire hugs him tightly and cuddles him. "Thank you Leon.. I just.. I still don't want to sleep." She says with a frown. "Well then.. I'm staying awake too because I want to help you in anyway I can." Leon says while holding her. Claire smiles at him and looks into his eyes. He smiles back and continues to caress her cheek with his thumb. Claire kisses Leon again and Leon returns the kiss. Before they know it they are sharing kiss after kiss with eachother. After a little while they finally pull away. "Leon.. can we do something I've never done before?" Leon looks a little worried. "Depends on what it is.." Claire looks confused and then realizes what it sounded like she was going to ask. With wide eyes she quickly states. "Oh my gosh! Not that not that!" Which causes Leon to laugh. "Then what would you like to do?" He says with a chuckle at her panic. "Can we.. would you.. um.. can we dance together..?" Leon smiles, stands up and walks over to her side of the bed. He reaches his arm out to Claire. "May I have this dance?" Claire giggle and takes his hand. Leon reaches over and turns the clock radio on which just so happens to start playing the song Willow by Taylor Swift. Leon wraps his arms around Claire's waist and Claire wraps her arms around his neck. While they dance they talk. "So Leon.. can we have that discussion now?" Leon smiles. "I would love to." Claire nods. Leon blushes a bit. "Claire I really believe you've changed my life in these past 24 hours. I know other people will think we are crazy, but you know what I think? I think that it's crazy we survived something like that and managed to find eachother in the midst of it. I've only know you for a day but.. I really think this is it.. You're the one for me.." Claire blushes profusely. "I feel the same way. Everything you just said was along the lines of what I was going to say. I think this is where we are meant to be. With Sherry too. We were all meant to find eachother..." Leon smiles and holds her close. "Would you like to make it official." Leon says with a smile. Claire smiles and hugs him tight. She then kisses him deeply as the song ends. "Yes.. yes Leon yes.." Leon spins her around in his arms and they fall in the bed giggling and smiling. They start to kiss eachother again and cuddle. Within minutes they fall asleep in eachothers arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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