Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off and I quickly turned it off before getting out of bed. I made my way to the bathroom and did my daily routine that I did before every school day. Oh school. What a joy it is to spend 7 hours of my day listening to nagging teachers and annoying students.

I dressed in a casual outfit, nothing too special. I mean what's the point of getting all dressed up, there's no one for me to impress. Take me as I am, if you don't like it too bad. Once I finished getting ready I headed downstairs to find things were as the normally were. My mom was bustling around the kitchen finding something to eat before she left to her job at the hospital. She was a nurse so she obviously worked at a hospital. Then there was good 'ol dad reading his newpaper while sipping coffee. He worked as a journalist so he was always reading the newspaper.

"Good morning" I said happily as I walked into the kitchen grabbing myself a banana and a water before sitting acroos from my dad at the table.

"Good morning" my mom replied as she stuffed things into her bag that she brought to work everyday.

My dad looked so intense as he read the paper. I mean it wasn't out of the ordinanry for him to look intense when he read but I got curious so I asked him what he was reading.

"Just an article about the McCann kid who tried to blow up the police force a while back" he said as  didn't take his eyes off the paper.

"That boy is just trouble, it's a shame though. With the smarts he used to make those bombs he could've done something with his ife" my mom said as she headed out the door. We said goodbye like every morning and I turned back to my dad to ask more about the article.

"So what does it say" I asked my father who still had that intense look on his face.

"Well it says that last week he was released from the detention facility he was kept in and that the state is going to try to enroll him in a school. Ha good luck with that" my dad laughed out loud. I looked at the clock and relaized I was gonna be late to school if I didn't leave now. I said goodbye to my dad, kissed his cheeck and left. What? I'm a daddy's girl, sue me.

I got into my car and headed to school. That's one of the reasons I loved having a birthday in the beginning of the year. I was able to get my license cause I turned 16 in the middle of February. By the time I got to school, all the good spots in the student parking lot were taken. That's why I tried to get to school early but I was caught up by talking to my dad about that McCann boy.

I finally found a spot to park and heading toward the hell hole some people call school. I made my way to my locker and put my books and other stuff I had brought home back in my locker. Just as I slamed the blue metal door shut my best friend Beth popped up next to me.

"Hey" she said all super happy. She's that girl in school who is always hyper and happy. Some people could see it as immature or childish but it was one of the reasons I loved her.

"Hey guess what I heard this morning" I said excited to tell her the news I had heard this morning. You see ever since the whole thing with Jason McCann was on the news, Beth became obsessed with him cause she thought he was a 'sexy bad boy' as she always said. She even had the Most Wanted picture they had of him on her wall. Yeah she's a weirdo but I love her.

"I don't know just tell me" she immediatley got ten times more hyper. That's one reason I loved telling her stuff. She got so excited and made whatever it was you had to tell more interesting.

"That McCann kid got out of jail last week and they are gonna try and send him back to school" I said and just watched to see her reaction.

"OH MY GOD, NO WAY" she practically screamed causing everyone in the hallway to look at us. I just started laughing cause it was so funny how she was freaking out over some criminal.

"Yea Beth but seriously chill, he's just some delinquent" I said stating the obvious.

"Yea but if they send him to school..Oh My God what if he comes here" she said somewhat quiet but still loud enough for people to look at us.

"That's a very slim chance, they'll probably send him to a school for criminals and other bad kids" I didn't want to be a party pooper but I doubt that the state of Nevada would send a bomber to a public school.

"Annie can you stop calling him a criminal" she said defending him like they were dating which again caused me to laugh.

"But he is a criminal" I said still laughing. I didn't have anything against him. I mean if he wanted to bomb the police then that's his business. Sure he was cute but I would NEVER EVER date someone who found it fun to bomb places.

Beth looked at me like what I just said was the worst thing in the world but before she could yell at me for talking bad about her precious Jason, the bell rang and I turned down the hallway heading to first period. Man, today was gonna be a long day. The day just started and I already couldn't wait to leave.

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