Chapter 6

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Jason's POV

I made sure I got to school early. I didn't have a ride so I just walked. It was a nice day and the school wasn't that far away. I really just wanted to see Annie. When I walked in the school was pretty empty. Was I that early?

I walked to my empty locker. I mean what was I gonna put in it? There were some things in there, not a lot, only one notebook and a few books for my classes. I noticed everyone else had pictures of them with their friends and pictures of them with their boyfriend or girlfriends in their lockers. I looked back into my locker suddenly feeling empty. I had screwed my whole life up by doing stupid shit. By bombing places, taking innocent lives, hurting people who had no reason to be hurt. I didn't deserve to be happy or to have pictures of happy memories. I wish that I could take back everything that happened. All of it, because now looking back at it, it wasn't worth it. All I got out of it was a criminal record, yea that outta impress the ladies.


Annie. Did I deserve her? I can easily answer She deserves someone better than me. When she finds out about all the things I've done she probably won't even talk to me. What if she already knew? What if that's why she didn't answer me yesterday? Fuck, I hope not. I mean I'd tell her eventually but not now, I just met her.

I realized I have been staring into my locker for the past ten minuets thinking. If the bell didn't ring who knows how much longer I would have stood there. I started walking around the school. Trying to soak in all the hallways and the shortcuts to get to certain classes. About half way through my journey around the school I bumped into someone.

"Shit, sorry" I said looking at the person I bumped into. It was that girl that gave Annie a dirty look yesterday when we were leaving study. I think her name was Melissa or Mary, something like that. I was too busy with Annie to notice.

"Oh, don't worry about it" she said smiling at me and it kinda creeped me out. She wasn't attractive at all, well she was okay..I guess. She wore mounds of make-up and by the looks of it, she tanned a lot.

"Alright well, see ya" I said staring to walk off but she stopped me.

"You're that new kid...Jason, right" she said like she actually cared. I've dealt with girls like this before. They just wanna get down your pants.

"Uh, yea." I said to her. I honestly felt uncomfortable and wanted to go to class, look for Annie, do something other than be here with Mary-whatever her name is.

"Well since you're new here, maybe I could show you around sometime" she said in a flirty way. I bet there are guys here who would die for her to talk to them like that but I just wasn't feeling it. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

"Yea, no thanks" I said and she looked shocked that I turned her down. I heard her friends snicker behind her and I just walked off. I pulled out my cell phone and saw it was a text from Annie. I instantly smiled.

"Sorry for not replying yesterday, I was busy. Meet me at my locker? I want you to meet someone :b"

I made my way to her locker and got kinda lost on the way but I found it. I saw her standing with a girl who had short black hair. Probably the person she wanted me to meet. I walked up to them trying to control my smile.

"Hey" I said quietly. I was nervous, me Jason McCann, was nervous to say hi to a girl. Damn, I was a wuss.

"Hey" Annie said happily. Was happy to see me? Probably not.

"Jason, this is my best friend Beth, Beth this is Jason" she motioned to the girl standing next to her. The girl, Beth, looked really shocked. She looked like she was gonna pass out or something. Seriously, whats up with the girls at this school? I heard Annie laughing at her friend. Her laugh was cute, just like she was.

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