Chapter 16

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Jason's POV

Grace ended up driving us to school the next day. I felt bad, I didn't want her to think that I couldn't be trusted. It was just one day, I wasn't going to do it again. We pulled up to the student drop off area where Annie and I got out.

"Thank you for the ride, Grace." Annie said politely once she and I were out of the car.

"Thanks gram." I smiled.

"No problem honey. Have a good day." She smiled before driving away. Annie and I walked into school together and I put my arm around her shoulder. People stared and it pissed me off. It was too early for this shit; rumors and whispers. People should just mind their own business.

"I just have to go to my locker really fast." Annie said as we walked down the hall towards her locker. I had to go to my locker too so I let her go so we could get our stuff. I watched her walk to her locker as I unlocked mine. People were staring at her and I guess it'd be hard not to, she's stunning. Although I knew it wasn't because of her looks that people were staring at her, it was because of stupid gossip. Who knew what crazy stories people were coming up with. I grabbed my notebook and my English book before slamming the locker shut. I weaved my way through groups of friends that had formed together throughout the hall, making my way toward Annie. I noticed two freshman shoving each other, pretending to fight. Idiots. One of them was about to collide into Annie, who was too busy with the stuff in her locker to notice. I was able to push him away before he bumped into her.

"Watch it." I said giving him a dirty look.

"Yeah, uh sorry man, I didn't mean to. Sorry." He said as he and his freshman buddy walked away looking like they were about to soil themselves. Normally it would've made me laugh but I wasn't in the mood.

"You okay?" Annie asked as she shut her locker.

"Yeah, let's just go to class. I can feel my blood boiling being around all these assholes." I said turning to walk down the hall.

"Calm down. It's just stupid freshman." She laughed as we made our way through the busy hallways to Ms.Marks class. Thank god it was a study, I don't think I'd be able to pay attention to a class this early. Annie and I sat in the back of the classroom as other students filled in.

"Oh my gosh Annie, what happened?" Marissa said noticing Annie's bruise. It was finally fading but was still visible.

"That's really none of your business." She said with an attitude. It was one of the few times I've head Annie speak like that. Usually she was so sweet, caring, and kind.

"Let me guess, Jason got tired of your mouth?" She asked with a bitchy smile.

"I don't hit girls, especially my girl, but I could always make an exception." I said, with a pointed look, before Annie could reply. This bitch needed to leave and my comment definitely shut her up cause she went to her seat and sat down. Away from us, thank god. Annie just looked at me and laughed. I was seriously not in the mood for anyone today but at least she was amused. As she was laughing Beth walked in and acted as though she didn't even see Annie and I. Annie stopped laughing as soon as she noticed Beth. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Annie took out her homework that I'm assuming she didn't do and started working on it. I took my headphones out of my pocket and stuck them in my ears. It felt nice to drown out everyone. About half way through the period I noticed that Annie put her head in her hands. Whatever she was working on was stressing her out. I placed my hand on her knee and she jumped, not expecting it. I smiled at her when she looked at me while rubbing my thumb over her knee. She smiled back and it was a real smile that made my heart leap. She turned back to her work and kept glancing at me out of the corner of her eye, giving me a small smile. I love that we didn't need to talk to communicate. Just by looking at each other we knew what the other thought. I pulled my chair so I was right next to her and kept my hand on her knee the rest of the period; drumming my fingers to the beats of the songs I was listening to. The bell rang and everyone hurried out of class, except Annie and I. I put my headphones away and grabbed my stuff while I waited for her to collect her things.

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