Chapter 5

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I stared at my phone, smiling at it for a good 5 minutes before replying with "Anytime (:". I just sat there turning my attention back to Spongebob when my phone buzzed again. It was Jason, damn he replies fast but I'd rather that than no reply at all.

 "So what are you doing?" was what the text said. I was trying to think of something interesting to say but I couldn't so I just told him what I was doing.

 "Watching spongebob, hbu?" I put my phone down next to me and started flipping through the channels. I ended up watching Ghost Hunters. This show freaked me out but there was nothing good on. Other than spongebob. The people on the show were in some room and their beeper thingys started to go off. It was freaking me out. Then my phone buzzed which made me jump. Seriously Jason? I opened the text glad to have my mind occupied on something other than the ghosts on the show.

 "Really, spongbob? how old are we? lol"

 I was offended. Spongebob is awesome! How can you not like Spongebob? Whatever it really wasn't a big deal and at least we had a conversation going. Right?

 "Um..I dont know about you but I'm 16 lol"

 I sent the text and changed the channel. There was no way I was watching something like that alone. I put spongebob back on when I heard a car door slam. I was pretty sure it was my mom because she usually came home before my dad. I waited for the door to open and when it did I was right. It was my mom.

 "Hey sweetie, how was school" she asked taking off her shoes at the door.

 "It was fine" Oh it was so much better than fine but I wasn't gonna tell her that. My mom and my dad were really strict when it came to boys. I had one boyfriend in my entire life and it only lasted a week and a half because my parents never let me see him. It was a mess. Luckily we were really good friends and just went back to how things were before.

 I walked passed my mom who was walking into the living room while I went to the kitchen to get something to drink. While I was in the kitchen I heard my mom call to me from the living room.

 "Ann who's Jason?" she asked. SHIT! I left my cell phone on the couch. I ran into the living room and tried to act as calm as possible but it was hard when I knew my mom was gonna give me some kind of talk.

 "Just a friend from school" I said as calmly as I could but my voice still shook with nerves.

 "Is it a boy?" she asked. God, I hate it when she gets nosy. I couldn't lie to her cause I mean obviously Jason isn't a girls name. She's not that gullible.

 "Yea" I whispered hoping she wouldn't make a big deal.

 "Annie what have I told you about boys, all they want is sex, and then before you know it your pregnant and you've ruined your life. Is that what you want?" she yelled. She's told me this thousands of times and it was so over exaggerated. I mean we are texting!! Just texting, nothing else. It was getting me mad that she jumped to conclusions like that. Did she not trust me or something? Did she thing I was a whore? I wasn't even listening to her anymore as she went on and on. I grabbed my cell phone and went upstairs.

 "We are gonna talk about this when your father gets home" she yelled after me but I didn't care. I just wanted to be alone. I seriously get so frustrated at her sometimes. I locked my door so my mom couldn't bother me. I hated when she's like that. I was in a great mood and now it's ruined. I pulled out my iPod and put the volume on high trying to block out the world. I got through about 3 songs before my phone vibrated again. I didn't bother to look at the messages to see who they were from. I just turned it off and took a nap. It was my only escape other than the music blasting in my ears.

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