3| don't like you

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minho sometimes took a little glimpse of that guy sitting next to his fiancé.
to be honest, he was more interested in him then in her.

their parents were talking, and soojin tried to talk with minho, even tho he gave her short answers and showed how uninterested he was.

they ate their dinner and they moved to the living room.

the two fiancés were seated on the small couch, while the other sat on the bigger couch.

one thing was sure, minho didn't like it.

just then, minhos dad decided to be the biggest jerk.

"we will leave you alone for a while, so you can get to know each other better, alright?"
he said and everyone stood up, including the mysterious boy, and left back to the dining room.

minho stood up and sat on the other couch, finally getting away from that not so good feeling.

"so, minho, what do you want to know about me? I will tell you everything, considering we're getting married. " soojin smiled at him, getting up and sitting next to minho again.

minho again stood up and sit on the other couch.

"I want to know why are you keep following me and still sitting next to me."

she just chuckled
"we're about to get married sweetheart, you need to get used to my touch."

"don't call me sweetheart, I don't like it."

"then how should I call you?"

"uhm, by my name? I literally just met you."

"okay, since you don't want to ask me, let me ask you questions."

"what makes you think that I will answer?"

"cmon Minho, we will spend our lifes together. Will you really be always so cold to me?"

minho didn't answer.

"let's just go back to the others."

"but we didn't get to know each other yet!"


he said and left to the dining room, where everyone else were.

but soojins brother wasn't there.

"oh, that was fast." soojins mother said

"yeah well.." minho said and sat down.

"so, we've been thinking that we should move in here for a while." soojins mom said

minhos eyes widened and he looked at his mother with "you're kidding" look.

unfortunately, it wasn't a joke.

"well, since you will be living here when you get married, we thought that you should get used to it. soojins family will live her only until the wedding to support her, after that, they will move out." minhos mom said.

minho gave her a look full of hatred.

just then, han walked back into the dining room, sitting on his chair.

"did I miss something?" he asked

"well, we will be moving in here until the wedding of your sister."

hans eyes widened

"you heard it."

han did not like this idea.
he had things that he didn't want his parents to know. he was always sneaking out from his window, but he wasn't sure if he could do it here.
also, this whole house was so huge, and so unfamiliar.
it was so uncomfortable even imagining it.
just the thought of it made him anxious.

his leg started shaking, and he was looking at the table, without blinking.

minho noticed it, and wondered what was wrong.
well, soojin also noticed.

she leaned to jisungs ear and whispered.

"you know I love you little bro, but don't you dare make this about yourself. this is my engagement party and your not gonna ruin it because of your anxiety, alright sweetie?" she said

han felt like crying.
but he didn't.
he tried to hold it back.
even tho it was hard.

in the end, it was too much, his leg kept shaking and his breathing was getting worse and worse.

"e-excuse me please." he quickly got up and ran outside.

minho got worried, but he didn't ran after him.

in the end, he was engaged to his sister, and he couldn't just ran away to see if he's okay.

"we will move tomorrow then." soojins mom said and everyone agreed.

the only people who seemed to have problem with it were minho and jisung

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