Chapter 16

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The Court of Time's palace was more impressive than I'd imagined. Clockridge Hall, very fittingly, looked essentially like a giant clock. A large, round surface covered the front of the palace, and a more rectangular section filled the back, presumably where most of the rooms were. Instead of numbers ringing the clock face, windows shaped like the numbers they represented took their place. The clock hands told the actual time, but I realized as we approached that they were balconies one could walk across. In their current position, it would've been very difficult to walk on without falling, but at perhaps 9:15 or 3:45, they would be level.

A servant clad in the Court of Time's wisteria-colored livery opened the door for us. Yet another reflection of the tsar and tsarina's eccentric taste. As soon as we entered, my eyes went to the giant, swinging pendulum that was centered in the foyer. It was made of some kind of coppery metal, reflecting back a distorted image of our faces as we walked by. I had to resist the urge to flinch as it swung closer, though it was enchanted to never hit anyone.

"I can't believe Elis lives here," I murmured.

"Not like I had much of a choice."

I spun around at the sound of Elis's voice. "Elis!" I broke off from my family and ran over to hug her. "It's been way too long!"

"It most certainly has," she said. "Now come on! I have to tell you how I did the stupidest thing ever."

"What'd you do?" I asked, rubbing her back.

"I touched Donella's hair."

"You what? I assume without her permission?"

Elis nodded, her cheeks growing uncomfortably red.

I turned to tell my parents I would be going, but they were already nodding me away. I grabbed Elis's arm, and she took me down the hall, all the while detailing how she had wound up running her fingers through Donella's "glorious amber locks," as Elis had described it.

"Okay, we're just out here," Elis said, leading me outside to an atrium. As soon as we stepped outside, Rhyannon, Hiroshi, and Lark stood up. I smiled, stepping forward and hugging Rhyannon and then Hiroshi. When it came to Lark, we both just stood there and nodded to each other.

"Gee, don't hold back on my part," Elis said, grabbing a tea cake. Everyone except her raised their brows.

I sighed. "I take it Rhyannon hasn't told you."

"Told me what?"

I quickly explained to her our predicament.

Elis looked between Lark and me. "Well, I must say it makes a lot more sense now."

I laughed, and we all took our seats.

"So, how's the wedding planning going?" Rhyannon asked.

"It's been productive, but I can't say I'm particularly enjoying it."

Lark scoffed. "You haven't been enjoying it? I had a fitting the other day, and I was stabbed by a pin. Twice."

"Well, maybe you were moving too much," I retorted, taking a sip of my tea.

"I highly doubt that."

Hiroshi tapped his fingers against the table. "Well...I received my invitation last night."

"You did?" I asked.

"Ruka Zemli? It's a nice choice," he said, but his voice lacked much enthusiasm.

"I think so too. My mother picked it out."

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