How did that get there?!

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               Grian walked into Xisuma's antique shop that day for work and went about his business helping customers find stuff and whatnot. Grian really, really dislikes working customer service, he much prefers staying in the back and going through inventory, but False had a family emergency and needed someone to cover her shift, so he jumped at the opportunity to make a bit more money.

It was about lunch when Xisuma's phone pinged. His purple eyes darted to the screen as he quickly responded to the text. "OK I think we can close up early guys, go ahead and pick up your paychecks in the back!" Xisuma says, perhaps with a bit too much gusto as he grabs his backpack and rushes out of the small shop. Grian's not complaining though, he's been eyeing this nice red jumper from a small shop on the west end of town for a while now.

☆Time skip ☆

Stepping into the harsh florescent lights of the bank, Grian let out a small groan at the long line of people at each counter. About halfway through counting how long each line was, he noticed the janitor in the corner of the room. Great. Someone's thrown up in the corner. Grian thinks with a tinge of disgust, trying not to look in that direction as he pulled his scarf over his nose and stepped into the middle-most line to wait.

Suddenly, as he was almost to the bank teller, someone broke through the front doors. Grian quickly darted his head to the left, along with everyone else, trying to get a look at what was happening. He almost regretted that choice now as he recognized the two villains standing in the doorway.

Nitro and Canis.

The notoriously dangerous duo had been active in the city for the past 2 years, and in that time, they had certainly made quite the name for themselves. Nitro apparently had come from another city altogether, which usually didn't happen with villains. Then again, most villains didn't have the power to explode things. Nitro swiftly ran past the front counters, probably trying to get at the safe in the back, Grian thought. His torn lab coat flowed behind him as he fought two of the guards who were trying to stop him. Eventually, he ended up just knocking one of them out with his prosthetic arm and bolting through the "Employees Only" door and out of view.

While that was happening, Canis's ears twitched. There was a lot of speculation as to exactly what Canis was, but most people agreed that he was part wolf or something like that. He turned back to the crowd and said the familiar words you always hear in a robbery. Empty your pockets, phones out of your hands, yada yada yada. Most of the other clients were kneeling on the floor now, trying to get everything out of his or her pockets and bags.

I mean, don't get me wrong, so was Grian.

Fumbling his hands into his red jacket, Grian had gotten the majority of his belongings laying on the floor now. What he didn't expect however, was an egg to slide cleanly into his hand. Grian stared down at the round object in his hands.

Grian looked up at Canis, who was watching the door now with a walkie-talkie in his hand. G's hand rose up and he threw the egg at Canis's head.

The egg smacked against his brown hair and bright yellow yolk started to drip onto the floor. Grian could almost hear Mumbo yelling about him being an idiot, and he definitely was right this time.

Canis slowly turned around and scanned the crowd for where the egg had come from. Grian shoved his hands in his pockets and to his surprise, there were 2 more eggs! Grian took them out of his pocket and then it repeated. After realizing that the eggs were going to just keep coming, he picked them up and started to pummel Canis with eggs.

Canis held his arms up to try and block some of the projectiles and after a minute or so, panic fell over his face as he realized that while he was distracted by a tiny blond man throwing eggs at him, he had forgotten about listening for heroes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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