Chapter 1: Moving in

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Hi there. My name is Y/N. I'm 17, have a mom and a dad, and an older brother. Our family travels a lot because of work, so we tend to not stick to one place for long. Just recently my mom was put in charge of yet another big business deal. Don't ask me what, because I have no idea. We ended up moving from our temporary home in Australia, where her last business took place. My dad is a stay at home husband, which is handy since my mom usually isn't home, so we keep each other company.

Oh right, I said she recently got a job, so that means we're moving. Where, you may ask? Well, that's the interesting part. I've never actually heard of this place, yet it seems to be really famous. I'm currently in the back seat of my mom's car, reading a brochure about this place called Super City, "A place of incredible entertainment and action". So obviously, it's a tourist town, city, whatever. I just can't wait to get out of the car so I can stretch my legs. I never liked long car trips.

M/N: "So what does it look like? I'd say the place is really interesting."

That is my mom. Breadwinner of the family, who is trying to make me be more positive about moving to this new place.

Y/N: "Mom, you say that every time we move to another country."

D/N: "I know, right? Sometimes I think I married a broken record."

That is my dad. A self proclaimed author, even if all his books were flops so far. Also, don't mind his comment about a broken record. Mom and dad often tease and taunt each other, but they still love each other very much, and have a happy marriage.

M/N: "You're lucky I'm driving, otherwise I would strangle you for that."

And that was how the rest of the ride went, with my parents throwing jabs at one another. This is pretty common, so I'm used to it and tune it out, instead focusing on the book I was reading, "Emotional Ignorance", by Dr Dean Burnett. Good thing I was born with the gift of never getting motion sickness, so I can enjoy my book in peace, with my noise canceling headphones.

Y/N: 'Might as well enjoy my last moments of peace before getting to the city where street fights are considered tourist attractions.'

Finally, I can stretch my legs a bit. No, we haven't got to our destination yet. Mom decided to stop at a drive in restaurant since we were all getting pretty hungry. The place looked like it came from the 60s or 70s. It had this old aesthetic that I always found really charming. While I was appreciating the old architecture, my dad was already struggling with what to order. He was never good at making decisions, so mom ordered for him. They both got a fried chicken sandwich while I got the seafood sandwich.

We decided to take our food to the car since the place was really packed, but on the way I saw one of the TVs playing an ad for something called "Byron's Snazzy Snake Oil". Wow, they are really trying with the old time feel if they pass ads that even feel old.

D/N: "Mmh! You know, I never expect much from places like these, but this is one good sandwich!"

M/N: "It really is. How's yours, sweetie?"

I took a bite out of my sandwich, and oh my god, it was the best seafood sandwich I've ever tasted. It was so good I finished it a minute. I was cleaning my hands and mouth when I heard my mom giggle at how fast I ate. I ignored her and went back to my book, getting ready for another few hours of driving.

We have been driving for about two hours before finally seeing a sign telling us we were close to arriving. It was a billboard with big yellow letters and a person with a smiley mask and a gold crown like hat, with their arms spread out in a way to show off the name of the city.

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