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October 09, 1997, Wednesday
9:14 P.M

(so pause, everything will be the same as it was in  1997 -cars,phone,schools,ects- it will just have modern slang,YouTubers,games,ect so just go with it pls🤩)

3rd person pov:

It was a chilly night as Y/n sat on a her furry chair in her room. Window open, letting in cool air her headphones decorated with stickers plugged to her computer.

Her fingers clicked the keys and moved the mouse in light speed, trying to beat Baldi as she collected the last book.

No matter how many horror games she finishes she can never beat a simple math game. And to make it worse she gets scared at the jump-scare when she is caught.

I would be scared too if I saw a man that doesn't even look like a man with the head shape of a football, beady googly eyes, Mr. popo lips, one hair sticking up like he wants to be the baby from cocomelon, hands that look like nubs, shirt the color of a highlighter from dollar general, pants from Walmart for 4.99, and a weak ahh ruler from dollar tree.

Jumping at the jump-scare and groaning at the loss, she leaned back her toes lightly tap the group as she leans back. Taking her headphones off and placing them down she sighs.

Y/n's mom yelled.

She yelled back waiting for a response.

She yelled again louder, but no response.

She groaned a curse and got up her back cracking from not getting up in a while from gaming. She opened her door and peered down the railing to see her mom, waving the house phone at the sight of her.

"It's your friend, Malia."
She said handing me the phone and going back to the t.v.

"By the way, me and your father have a work trip,we leave on Friday, and we won't be back in about 3-4 weeks. Will you be okay?"
She asked in a casual tone.

"Yeah I'll be okay, have fun if you can."
Y/n says, walking way with the phone.

——————ON THE CALL——————
"Hey hey N/n!"
Said Malia in her honey voice.

(n/n means nickname and Malia has a nice voice!!)

"Yo yo, watcha need?"
Y/n said, raising her brow.

"So, Brax is having a party-"
Malia started.

"Nuh uh."
Y/n said in a serious voice.

"But Y/n~! You know I can't go without you! You're my plus one,"

"Forever and Always!"
They said at the same time.

"Besides I can't go alone, what if Donny tries to flirt with me?"
Malia said, both girls grimaced at the thought.

"You can sing in choir, in front of over 500+ people, but you can't go to a simple party?"
Y/n asked.

"I don't know those 500+ people, I probably won't meet them later in life anyways. In the party I go to school with these people."
Malia exclaimed.

"If I do something embarrassing I will be called something that resembles it for the rest of the year!"
Malia said, her brain wracking for the most bizarre embarrassing situations.

"Watch out people Malia Zenquandres is spiraling."
She said in a referee voice holding a imaginary mic.

"Shut up, will you go or not cause if you're not going I'm not."
Malia said in a matter-as-fact tone.

HOT MURDERER... (Ghostface x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now