Chapter 2: CAN'T BEAT MY ASS

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October 10, 1997
2pm, afternoon


"BYE BABY GIRL!" I yelled, waving at Malia as she left in her car. She waved back, blowing me a kiss and winking jokingly as she pulled off to go home.

I walked back in the house finding my parents sitting in the couch watching the news. I grabbed the T.V remote muting it.

"Now girl I know you did not just mute my T.V when I was watching it." My mom said, giving me a stank face with my dad agreeing.

"I know I know mom, it's just... are you guys still leaving for the trip?" I was saved to be alone, I mean we have a huge dog but what if Ghostface kills Sparky.

Ah yes, my amazingly scary dog that's just a big teddy bear currently at a day night groom place.

"Look sweetheart," my dad started "we argued and trialed about just doing a email or video chat meeting but it's in the contract that for all important business deals we have to be in person."

I look at them like they're crazy. "Bull-fucking-shit!"
I yell, furiously.

"Hey now language!" My dad said. "Do you want me to whoop yo ass?" My mother said with him in unison.

I freeze. "Dad, sorry. Mom, no ma'am."

"Mhmm, that's what I thought, don't you come up in here turning off my T.V and cussing in my damn house. You know I don't play that shit." My mother said, moving her neck sassily and waving her finger.

"Sorry mom, that just doesn't make since. They know what's happening here, they know about me and they still ask you to leave me alone with a killer in this damn-" my mom glared at me. "Sorry- dang town."

"We know baby, I almost grabbed my keys and drive to the agency to whoop they ass but I had to be professional so I put my lawyer face and words on."
Mom said, my dad then started again.

"You'll be okay baby, I'll teach you how to use the gun and you can have it on your night stand."

I internally celebrated at being taught to use the weapon, call me crazy but guns are my guilty pleasure and a bit of an obsession.

"When will you teach me Dad?" I ask, curious and excited.

"Today if we have time, now the news is turning back on so go on now. We love you." My dad said, holding his hand back as I handed him the remote and went to my room. I looked back to see them giving me a smile and I give them one back.

I rushed to my room, with the mindset to kill a bitch if I need to. I looked up more about the murder, how it looks like he got in, stab wounds, way around the house, and murder weapon.

Okay so he really only murders at night, if I hear shit when I'm alone I need to be quiet, get the gun and make my way around the house. I know it better than him so I can't turn on the lights or he will know I'm awake and probably die from that so if I keep the lights off that means beating his ass shouldn't be that hard right? I mean, I do have a gun...

My hand click on the keys as I read articles and watch videos about Ghostface.

Brutal. Seeing all your friends die and being the only one left alive with the guilt and to tell the tale.

I slid my fluffy chair back,  as I stretched and cracked my back. I let out a little moan at the pressure release.

Suddenly my door slammed open.

"Y/n! You ready for gun practice?"

I jumped at the sudden action but quickly got excited after.

"Yeah, just hold up really quick and let me put on some clothes too."
I said, bolting out of my chair and pulling out a cute fit.

"Okay, hurry up though. I'm not trying to be here all day waiting on you to be cute, you're shooting guns. Not shooting your shot at guys."
My dad said, turning around and closing the door behind him.

"Blah blah blah..." I rolled my eyes and got dressed doing some skincare a bit of makeup and putting my hair and twin tails.

Walking to my full body mirror, I flatten out my shirt and put on my purse, making sure I have my money, phone, touch up stuff, and papers with my number and a lipstick kiss on it. I then look up to see my fit.

Shoot I look good, if I were a man or somebody I would ask for my number to.

I blew myself a kiss and went to got my headphones, sliding them around my neck and walking out my door. Turning off the light swiftly.

"Ready dad!" I yelled waiting for an answer.

"Yah weird ass father is in the car." My mom said as she drunk her lemonade in her cup.

I nodded and realized the lemonade was edible and I could drink it. "Can I have some...please?" I said with my best 'pleasegiveittomeoriwillcry' eyes.

She rolled her eyes, wonder where I get from, giving me her cup and when she saw me swallow snatched it right back.

"No gon, we don't need to be wasting gas now."
She shows me away and I gave her a smile.

"Love you Ma!" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek and going to the car.

"Love you N/n, tell your dad to be safe and don't get into fights if someone flirts with you." She said walking up the stairs to probably read or something.

I laughed at her statement, "I will! Don't worry and you be safe." As I walked out the door I heard a 'I will' from my mom.

I got in the car, buckling up and looking at my dad as he started to back out the driveway. "So how you feel about this gun practice?" He asked.

"I'm excited, guns are cool. For my birthday I want one so I can paint it and put rhinestones on it and name it "the bitch blaster" because it sounds cringy but cute." I said, thinking about my dream gun.

"Okay weirdo, your mom say anything?" That reminded me.

"Yeah she said to be age and not to scare any guys that flirt with me." I said looking at him to see his reaction.

"Yeah whatever, I'll scare who I want. He might be younger than me and look stronger or something but can't beat my ass. The fuck." He turned up the radio as trap music played and he rapped the lyrics as I laughed at him.

I have a weird but lovable ass family. lol.

Sorry for the very very very long update, I'm very lazy and just finished finals after studying so please forgive... anyways 1174 words babes

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