That was nice.

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Stepping out of her families restaurant, Louise couldn't think of a single thing to do with herself. After a few moments of standing in the doorway, she realized a customer had been waiting to open the door behind her. "Oh, uh, sorry." She hurried across the street and into Jimmy Pesto's.

"If you're looking for the twins, they left to Wonder Wharf." Trev called as he waved to Louise. Despite being desperate for Jimmy's approval, he actually was a decently nice guy. Especially when Jimmy wasn't around. "A little of everything?" He asked as the teen came up to the bar.

"Yes, please." Louise happily excepted the to-go cup mixed with every soda in the fountain. She waved a goodbye and was about to head down to the wharf when she noticed her favorite redhead, "Yo! Rudy!" Spotting her, he hurried across the street. Louise tilted her straw toward him, "Want some?"

"Sure." Rudy took a small sip then made a face.

"Don't like it?"

"No. No. It's, " he cleared his throat, "something."

Louise laughed, "You can just say no, Rudy." She took a big gulp, "Leaves more for me."

Once at Wonder Wharf, both teens pulled out their wallets. "Oh. That won't be necessary. Not for my favorite burger child." Louise turned to see Mr. Fischoeder driving his golf cart, popping blueberries into his mouth. "At least not today, that being blueberry delivery day. Hop on!" Louise slid onto the cart and motioned for Rudy, who squeezed in alongside her. "So! What brings you kids to my park today? Going to play some games? Go on a few rides?"

"Just on a bit of business, Mr. Fischoeder. On need to know basis. You understand." Louise waved a nonchalant hand to which her family's landlord nodded, stuffing his face with more berries. Spotting the twins waiting in line for a ride, Louise told Fishoeder to let them out.

"Have fun kids!" He had begun to drive away then reversed, giving Louise a bright smile, "Ah! Just a reminder, if I catch you stealing anymore of my stuffed animals there'll be hell to pay!"

Louise smiled back, "So...don't get catch? Got it." Mr. Fischoeder shot her a finger gun and what she assumed was a wink as he drove off.

Andy and Ollie excitedly greeted their friends, making room for them in line, causing a few moans behind them. They spent the rest of the evening going on every ride. Before leaving, Louise made her way behind a few tents, having Andy and Ollie standing guard. She then came out and scanned around for any disappointed looking couples. She followed one as the girlfriend went to the restroom, "Hey, so, how does three dollars sound? Not bad right?"

The guy gave Louise a sideways glance, "What are you talking about?" She held up a blue penguin. "You're joking."

Louise shrugged, "If you don't want it that's fine. Just thought your girlfriend would like it if you surprised her with this when she comes out. Could say you wanted to give those darts a go while you waited and some how got lucky and won her this. Bet she'd love it, but you don't so oh well! I'll just offer it to someone else."

"She's not my girlfriend. She's just a...,"

"But you want her to be?"

The guy looked around and let out a sigh, "All I've got is a five, got any change?"

"Nope!" Louise snatched the cash and shoved the penguin into his hands. Before he could yell at her, the girl he had been waiting on came out. Not wanting her to know what he had just done, he told her the story Louise had come up with. He smiled from ear to ear as she throw her arms around his neck then cuddled the stuffy. Louise and her friends made their way around to find a few more targets. Once she was finally down to one toy, Louise was ready to be rid of it and head home. "Come on! Have we seriously already run out of losers?"

Rudy bumped her with his shoulder. "Be nice." He smiled down at her. "They just want to make a good impression." Louise rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to go home, how about you Ollie?"

"I'm with you, Andy." And with that the twins were gone, along with half the park, causing Louise to become more annoyed.

Just as she was about to give up and head home herself, Louise spotted a little boy eyeing the same pink frog she was holding. His eyes gleamed as he asked his dad to try "just one more time" to win it. Explaining that he had already used up all the money they had brought along, the dad patted his son's back as the boy looked down. Louise rubbed the webbed foot and thought for a moment. Letting out a loud groan, she grabbed Rudy's hand and pulled him. "Here, kid."

"Oh, that's okay! We can try again next time!" The dad insisted.

"Eh, don't worry about it. It wasn't really what I was hoping to get, but the guy said they were all out so this is what I got, you know?" The dad gave her a confused look as she went on, "So why don't you help me out and take this little guy home so he can get properly loved by someone who's actually excited to have him?" The boy nodded his head so quickly, Louise thought it must of hurt. She handed it over and the dad thanked her.

Watching them leave, Rudy leaned over to her ear. "That was nice."

Louise's Junior YearWhere stories live. Discover now