Chapter 6

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I walked around the house frantically straightening things up as I waited for my potential roommate to stop by. I'd had a decent amount of people who responded to the ad, but not many promising applicants.

Event though I may or may not have chosen this one mainly based on looks...that was beside the point.

I knew it wasn't the best idea to look for a roommate so randomly, but I wanted to give it a try. I had no idea who this girl was, but I was hoping she was a good match.

Just as I was finishing up the cleaning, my phone rang.

"Hey Cas, what's up?" I answered.

"Are you still alive?" She asked.

"It does appear that way, no hot serial killers yet."

"Alright well keep me posted. Fingers crossed for you that only the hot part is correct."

"Yes thank you, much appreciated," I said back. "I'll call you after she's here and give you the official update."

"Alright later Soph," Cas said before hanging up.

I set my phone down and went to look in the mirror one last time. Had to look good if I wanted to impress this complete stranger that supposedly had a boyfriend.

I heard a soft knock on the door and turned to look that way.

Alright Sophie, she's not going to be creepy, it's going to be great, I thought to myself.

I walked over and opened the front door. The girl that stood there didn't look quite as put together as her pictures seemed to let on. She looked stressed out and disheveled.

I guess that's what happens when your boyfriend kicks you out.

"Hey! You must be Riley?" I said as I stepped aside to let her in.

"Yeah, hi, that's me. Nice to officially meet you Sophie."

She clumsily sat her purse down and reached out a hand to me. I awkwardly shook her hand before beginning to show her around.

"So this is the place," I said. "I'm basically just looking for a roommate to cut down on my costs. Everything is getting so damn expensive."

"Yeah I agree with you there. I'm looking for that reason and because," she paused for a second, "well because my boyfriend kicked me out of our apartment...but you saw that on my application so no need to go there again I guess."

Riley was definitely shy, and was definitely feeling awkward. I felt bad for her, but I had to admit, it was pretty adorable.

"So not to go there," I started, "but you said boyfriend, not ex. Are you still with him after he kicked you out?"

Before she could answer I spoke again, "I'm sorry, that's not my business. Forget I asked that."

Wow I was smooth.

"No it's um, it's fine," Riley said quietly. "We are still together...I guess. It's a bit of a weird situation right now."

"Yeah no worries you don't have to explain, sorry for asking," I quickly said.

Damn it she was making me so nervous.

"It's okay," Riley responded.

"Sooo anyway, now that I've made things awkward," I said with a smile. "Let me show you around the house a little bit."

I walked her around the house and she quietly followed, looking around and taking everything in.

"So what do you do for work?" I asked her as we made our way back to the front of the house.

"Oh I'm a photographer. I do weddings, senior pictures, all of that fun stuff," she said.

"No shit? That's pretty cool."

"Yeah, I guess so. It's fun most of the time," her hands fidgeted as she answered.

Maybe she was just awkward when she met new people, but she was definitely uncomfortable about something.

"Alright well I'll let you know about everything soon if that works for you," I said.

"Sure, just give me a call or text me whenever," she responded. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah you too," she smiled at me as I opened the door for her and she walked out to her car.

As I watched her walk out, I finally realized why she looked so familiar.

"Oh shit," I said to myself.

I had seen her on a dating app that I was on.

So there was a chance, I thought to myself with a smile.


The Roommate (It's Complicated Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now