#4 Secret Wings

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It's like Tinkerbell: The Secret Wings except make it the marauders and skittles.

For people who have no idea what I'm talking about, they're all going to be literal fairies except Barty is a summer fairy and Evan is a winter fairy, because of this neither can cross the boarder to be with each other without deathly consequences. For good measure I've also thrown in a forbidden romance between Reggie and James.

Buckle up kids it's time to laugh and or cry

The summer lands were extremely busy as the fall season began coming to an end, fairies of all kind were hard at work getting ready for the snowy arrival. Likewise in the winter lands, fairies from all around were getting ready with their autumn acquaintances for the transition between fall and winter.

Barty was a tinker fairy, despite his lack of rule obedience, the destruction he caused in the workshop somehow often ended up resulting in something rather constructive and useful to the other tinkers, so Hagrid, the head tinker fairy, didn't mind having him around and he did secretly enjoy Barty's chaotic magic.

Barty flew through the air, swirling around in the sky as he passed Pandora, who was teaching the first-year water fairies how to make dewdrops. He was going to go annoy Sirius but his movements stopped when he noticed Remus lining up a selection of animals and taking them along the dirt path.

"Why hello Remus" Barty flew down and landed on the back of one of the rabbits.

"Hi Barty, shouldn't you be working? It's almost winter, there's a lot to do"

"I've clocked off for the day, so what are you doing?"

Remus rolled his eyes, not surprised, but actually figured Barty could be of some usefulness, "I'm taking these little guys over the boarder for winter"

"You're going to the boarder! Can I come?" Barty excitedly jumped into the air, his job never required him going near the winter lands because the snowy owls would just come and collect the equipment from the workshop instead.

"Fine, on one condition though"

"Sure anything!"

"You help me get that one to cross" Remus pointed at a bunny who was thumping his foot rapidly and getting distracted by the ladybugs and butterflies.

Barty sighed, "really?"

"Come on, he's cute"

Barty huffed, remembering why he wasn't an animal fairy. He went over to the bunny and mounted it, pulling the animal's ears back before almost falling of when the rabbit sprinted forward. Remus started laughing and flew up, gesturing for the other animals to quicken their pace.

Barty finally managed to get control and just as he did the bunny came to a hurdling stop. Barty looked up to see what had frightened the small creature and sat in adoration as he watched the snowflakes fall not far from him.

A long trunk sat over the river, half of it blooming with flowers at its roots, the other half covered in ice. Remus finally caught up and smiled at the view, bringing the animals over the boarder was one of his favourite times of the year.

"Alright guys, you ready to see your friends?"

The bunny Barty was still sitting on began to back up into the grass nervously, Barty stroked its fur and Remus smiled gently.

"It's ok we'll let the weasels go first"

Remus nodded to the pair of weasels who were waiting excitedly to cross, when they got their confirmation the two ran across the log, jumping into the air and squeaking in excitement as their fur transformed.

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