Authors Note

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Art by: @likeprongstostars

Hey everyone! Yes I'm making another book. Don't blame me, blame or thank @Veramence for giving me the idea! (Said with love 🤍)

For those of you who are new and are only here for my RoseKiller one shots, my name is Eryn and I've been writing since the start of 23'

I've written a series of one shots based around the Harry Potter and Marauders universe which everyone seems to enjoy. I've always had Barty and Evan as side characters in my books because I love them but I think they deserve a series of their own!

As usual I have my rules when writing:
1) everyone has their personal ships and if you don't agree with the ones I, or any other person in this community, choose to ship please escort yourself to a different story line, this is Wattpad there's a whole world out there!

2) Friendly fire banter is fucking fine as long as it stays friendly and fun, I don't want to see anyone crying over one of my one shots because i misspelt a word or a character did something you didn't like.

3) Criticism is welcome and encouraged! There are so many people in this community who have loved the Harry Potter franchise long before I came along and have different views on the story that could help with character development, please do not be afraid to critic me on my writing skills, constructive criticism and improvement are siriusly important. (For my new readers, pun intended, we love our dad jokes here)

4) kinda relates back to rule 2, I don't want to see any racist/homophobic/misogynistic/general pricks on here, this is all in good fun and that shit isn't tolerated.

5) just a quick personal note, I'm open to pretty much all ships in the HP universe and I respect those who like what they like however I have my limits. I will not write any one shots that are sibling related eg Fred x George, I won't write any teacher x student stories, I can write kinky but that makes me uncomfortable so there will be no Dumbledick x Evan/Barty fic on here.

Conclusion: just don't be a dick about it

Ok hope you enjoy the one shots!

Mischief Managed,

Side Note: just wanted to add that based on other fanfics I've read and art I've seen of Evan and Barty, the physical and just general description I'm most likely going to go with them is;

Barty is shorter than Evan, has brown almost golden hair that sits messy yet well kept, pale skin and freckles but tans in the summer, mixes of brown in his eyes, smoker, can exemplify black cat and golden retriever energy at the same time, toned figure but not overly muscular, sharp jawline, has random tattoos half of which he doesn't remember getting.

Evan is taller, dark brown almost black hair that's often in loose curls, unlike his parents his eyes are a bright blue, broad shoulders, muscular frame, tanned skin, "bad boy aesthetic", a rose dagger tattoo will of course show face and he has a notable snake tattoo that slithers up his neck along with a lot of random arm tattoos, the quiet but deadly chaos to Barty's extroverted nature, chiseled features, smoker, Barty fell first but Evan fell harder.

Edit (10:55pm): just adding a quick something here about Evan's appearance. My main man Evan tans dark and in this fic has black hair, I've picked this purely because it's a headcanon I enjoy but I understand (you can see even in the art for the book) lots of people have him with blonde/light hair. Love that look for him and I'm glad you like it too, this is just a choice plz respect it <3

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