6. the revelation, the shock, the mind play.

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It was then that the three princes got a thought. "Rajkumar Govind," Karna began.

"Yes?" Krishna smiled.

"Where is the guard who was supposed to be guarding your door?" Karna asked.

Krishna smiled, "I dismissed him for he seemed really tired." Actually, Krishna knew Shakuni Mama's plot and let it happen for the first step to begin mending their bonds.

"Why didn't you lock the doors then?" Duryodhana asked.

"In my kingdom, I never lock my doors. Anyone is free to enter my chambers and wake me up at any time." Krishna's reply made the princes perplexed.

"What assurance do you have that no one would attack you like here?" Arjuna asked without hesitation.

Krishna did not reply; he just gave a smile that said it all. "You'd know about me soon," he whispered.

"If you want, we'd stay here, guarding your doors. Or else we'll send a guard," Arjuna said, concern evident on his face. He had not expected this to happen, not ever.

Krishna chuckled as he shook his head. "That's fine. If you insist, then send a guard. Take care of your guards well enough." He said looking at both the princes.

Arjuna flushed as Duryodhana smiled.

"Go now, Rajkumar. It's midnight. Tomorrow is a very big day, and you need rest," Krishna said as the two princes nodded their heads and left.

Karna stood there, still hesitant to leave. "What is it, Karna?" Krishna's voice startled him, who was thinking about the incident that had just taken place. The prince did not even have a bit of fear on his face, as calm as ever he sat there. How could someone be calm in such adversities?

Krishna snapped his fingers in front of the latter who snapped back to reality. "Oh, that, I wanted to..."

"Thank me, isn't it?" Krishna said, and Karna was even more confused.

"Ye-yes, how did you know?"

"You are so innocent, Karna. Your eyes tell it all. And about the thanking and all. I hope my brother had already given you the answer." Karna smiled sheepishly.

"Did you, by any chance, trigger the Gandhar prince?" Karna asked to which Krishna just smiled.

"I just knew what or rather who he really was, and I said it to his nephew."

Karna didn't get what Krishna had said. Still, he smiled. "Go, get some rest, Karna." Krishna's compassionate gaze and his charming smile finally made the stern Karna give a be careful look to Krishna and leave.

Shakuni was a mess. He didn't know what just had happened. Where was that woman who said she was the prince's sister? What would he do now? The prince was not ordinary, Shakuni knew.

"Gandharraj Shakuni." A melodious voice rang out in his mind. Shakuni was literally caught off guard.

"Deception is a double-edged sword. When we try to deceive others, it would certainly strike them, but then automatically come back to us. Be careful when you try to attack someone while they're asleep. That'd cost you greatly."

Krishna grinned as he spoke out in Shakuni's mind. The latter's expression was one to behold.

"Who, who are you?"

Krishna could not help but laugh out loud. "I'm the same person whom you tried to attack while I was asleep."

"Ma-mayavi—" Shakuni stuttered as he banged his elbow onto the walls of his chambers.

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now