~Chapter 6~

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"It's hopeless.."

TWS: None
Kyle's POV:

I felt my heart shatter to a million pieces, the pain in my chest increasing, I'm feeling so many feelings at once. I shook my head, I don't believe this shit, this is a joke! Stan's just playing with me! This is a joke! It must be, right?.... "S-Stan.. you're j-joking, right?" I clutched my chest, my breathing grew tighter.

Stan did nothing, but stared at me sadly. He's dead serious.

"Wow, Stan." Cartman smirked, "That was intrestin-"

"Shut up, fatass. Let's head to school.." He said, coldly. I shivered, Kenny appear by my side, "What are we gonna do now?" Kenny said anxiously, "You're going to..." He hesitated, "Die.." He looked at me, scared.

My mind was processing too many things at once, my head hurts and I replied to Kenny with a cough, Stan is gone, so I coughed out the petals freely. My throat is sore for holding in the petals so long, I spitted them on to my palm, it's scary how painful it's getting. It's only been a day and I'm already at stage 2, I'm pathetic.

"L-let's just... head to school.." I said quietly, getting on the bus.


"Are you gonna take surgery or what?!" Kenny asked me for the fifth time since we sat down the bus, we were sitting together, "I'll try to find a cheaper surgery or find a way to earn enough money by the end of this mon-"

"I don't want to get surgery." I snapped, I was getting tired from the pain from my heart and chest and the annoyance from Kenny's rambling. I know he's doing this for my own good but I just don't want to get surgery, I still might die, anyways.

"But.. Getting surgery is better, you'll forget all about Stan and live a happy life.." Kenny tried to convinced me.

I coughed, spitting out yet another petal, I sighed softly. "I don't think I'll have a chance of surviving the surgery even if we do managed to get enough money.." I said moodily, "I don't think I can survive this disease at all.." I mumbled, "And besides, Stan probably hates me now, how am I gonna make him fall in love with me in time too?" I added, sulking.

Kenny squeezed my hand tightly, "I don't want you to die, Kyle." I smiled softly, I took a deep breath.

"I don't want to die either..." I said, softly.

I silently coughed out another petal. I stared at it pathetically, unaware that someone was listening...


Stan's POV:

I can't believe I said that, I'm such a bloody idiot. The image of Kyle in disbelief was stuck in my head, he was my best friend! I should've been more patient! I should've gave him some space......

I glanced at Kyle, he was sitting next to Kenny, talking about something. I perked my ears to hear their conversation.

I know this is interrupting a private conversation, but I was curious and worried on what Kyle didn't want tell me, so I tried to listen to their conversation. I managed to pick up a few words..

"I... you... die, Kyle.." I heard Kenny said.

"I...... die...." I heard Kyle said.

I stared in shocked.

Kyle's gonna die?!

How?.. Is he sick with cancer or something?!




... Did I caused it?...


Authors note:
I have nothing to say, have a nice day/afternoon/night!

Word count: 548 words

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