~Chapter 5~

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"It's over"

TW: Cussing

Kyle's POV:


No, not now.. Not when Stan's talking to me!

I felt the familiar pain rise from my chest as Stan touched my shoulder, I flinched and pulled away. I can't puke out petals in front of him! "Kyle? What's wrong?" He asked me, worriedly, approaching closer to me.

"I-...I.." I stammered, struggling to find my words. I lifted my head and tried to speak, but a cough came out instead, shit. Oh no no no no! As I panicked, a sharp pain inflicted in my head, I winced. Kenny never said anything about a headache! 

Holy shit- What am I going to do?!

Stan's POV:

I touched Kyle's shoulder worriedly and asked, "Kyle? What's wrong?" I felt uneasy as I heard Kyle mumbled something before pushing me away, and coughing. I grew incredibly anxious.

"What the fuck is wrong with Khal?" Cartman asked, oddly. "How the fuck am I supposed to know?!" I yelled, irritated. "I thought he'll tell you! You're his super boyfriend or whatever-" Cartman began, I grew red and felt steam coming out of my ear, "What the fuck dude?! I'm with Wendy!"

"Stan! I'm f-fine-" He coughed more, I grew paranoid, "L-let's just head to school-"

"No way, Kyle! You're sick and you need to go to the docto-"

"I said let's go to school you fucking bastard!" Kyle snapped, I backed off. I felt anger rise from my chest. Why would he snap at me?! Gosh, why won't he let me help him?! I looked at him, ready to burst.

"Oooh- This is getting good!" Cartman said, suddenly grabbing out a bag of Cheesy Poofs for some odd reason, I ignored him.

I soften my eyes a little, "K-Kyle.. Are you mad at me?.." I asked, hurt. Kyle sighed softly, he then looked at me with unreadable expression, "No.. I'm not." He simply said, I felt fits of rage explode of my chest. God! He's so irritating! Why won't he just tell me?!

"Then why are you acting like this?!" I yelled, angrily.

He looked at me with hurt eyes, "I wish I could tell you.." I heard him whispered, "Tell me what?!" I yelled, "I'm your SBF! Don't you trust me?!" I said, blinking back the tears. "Why did you tell Kenny then?!" I pointed at Kenny, "You can trust him but not me?!"

"Stan.. I-"

At that moment, I lost it.

"Forget it, forget being SBFs, forget even BEING friends. If you aren't gonna tell me anything, might as well not be friends at all.." I said coldly, "This friendship is over."

I took one look at his face, and regretted every single word.


Authors note:
Why is this so short? Have a nice day/afternoon/night! :D

Word count: 437

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