Yandere Empress (Vera)

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As he walked down the long hall and began approaching the large brown double door with gold engraving, he smiled with confidence about the negotiations with the empress of one of the biggest and wealthiest empires in the region, the Ele Empire.

Y/n approached the door as two royal guards with long spears then opened the doors, allowing Y/n along with two of his top best men who were also his best friends, Liam and Reed, to enter. There at the other end of the throne room sat a grand throne and sitting in that throne was her majesty, the Empress. The throne room was big, big enough that Y/n and his two friends had to walk a little ways before finally being feet away from the throne. The Empress then stood from her chair and walked over to Y/n face to face. Her long black hair, her pink glistening lips, her rosy cheeks, and her red almost glowing eyes stare into Y/n's.

"Y/n. Commander of the infamous assassin group, the Shadow Souls."

"Empress." Y/n replied.

"Do you know why I summoned you here today?" The Empress began to slowly pace around the three asking her question.

"Please enlighten me, Empress."

"Y/n, I know you have a reputation, and a big one at that. You and your group have done and swiftly completed dozens of missions before so I know you are very reliable." The empress then stops in front of Y/n. He then crosses his arms.

"Then you also know I am a very busy man, so get to the point." Y/n remarks, getting impatient. The empress then gives an annoyed look before gesturing with her hand to one of the four guards that stood by her throne. The guard then walks to the Empress and gives her something in her hand. The Empress smirks at Y/n as she then reveals in her hand a very rare gold coin worth ten million. Y/n exhales through his nose as he uncrosses his arms.

"What do you want, Empress?"

"Please, Y/n. Call me Vera, and all I'm asking is for you to retrieve someone for me." Both Y/n and Vera shoot each other glances as Y/n thinks for a moment. Then a few moments later, Y/n gives in and accepts the job offer. The Empress gives a mischievous grin as she closes her hand containing the coin.

"Perfect, now if you follow me to my planning room, we'll discuss the details in there." Y/n along with Liam and Reed, follow the Empress as she walks to a door on the left side of her throne room. The three follow Vera into a large room filled with maps and other planning diagrams hanging off the walls. In the center was a big round table that was also covered in planning papers. The empress then stops next to the table and turns to face Y/n.

"The person I am asking you to retrieve is my little sister. She was kidnapped from those horrendous South Plain raiders. Rescue my sister and this coin is yours."

"That's it?" Y/n asks with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, 'that's it'. My scouts have confirmed that they are holding her here-" She points to a spot on a map of the area. "-in a small abandoned cabin within these woods."

"This sounds like a joke. Why haven't your soldiers stormed that place already?" Y/n questions, suspicious of the predicament.

"Because! What if the second those raiders see my men, they kill her!" Y/n then nods agreeing.

"I see. Well, give me and my men ten hours. I'll be back with your sister and the heads of those who abducted her." Vera smiles as she walks over and hugs Y/n.

"Um, Empress?"

"Sorry, I just needed to hug you." Her voice quivers as she lingers on Y/n a bit longer. She pulls away as Y/n adjusts his armor and dusts himself off. Y/n turns to both Liam and Reed as they nod at Y/n, affirming they're on board.

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