The Inquiry

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I sighed as I froze as I heard breathing behind me and heard I found him papa! I swallowed as someone I'm guessing was his dad step in front of me cutting off my escape and said  Antonio  Madrigal? I nodded  nervously  and said, "Please don't  hur.. He smiled and  raised his hand and said, "calma, por favor. I mean, you no harm." I blushed and said  you  don't? He shook his head and said I'm  merely  here looking  for  A boy who might be able  to help  my puppy  setting  a weak  pit bull down. I  frowned  and  kneeled and  whispered, "What's  wrong, perrito? I  smiled  as he  said  my tummy  hurt  terribly, and I  don't know why. I  sighed  and carefully  examined him and noticed some wounds and called Tia juliet. I need your help some ones hurt. I smiled as  my auntie  came  out and hurried  the pup into our  cassita and began working. I  smiled  as finished, and the  pup barked and  jumped  into Tia's arms, licking her face. I froze as I  felt parce brush against my but jealously and smiled as I hugged him and whispered  your  still my snuggle buddy don't worry. I smiled as the man thanked me and nervously said will he bite? I shook head and said as long as you don't give him a reason to that is. I smiled  as the man  nodded  and tossed a big T nine steak in front  of  Parce who  sniffed it glanced at me then ate. I  smiled and  gave  parce my signature  what do you say look. He huffed and got up  and  bridhed against  the  man's legs b in gratitude. I  smiled and said I'm trying to teach him to be polite. The  man chuckled and said  well it seems to be working. I smiled and nodded. I shifted and looked around and  sang

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