S1 Chapter 4: James vs Amanda

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In the dark alleys of New York a 10 year old boy named James Wilson has finished his bakugan battle with a teenage boy.

Teenage boy1: (anger) Next time I will win!

He ran off as James soon began walking until a black ball jumped on his shoulder revealing to be a dragon like bakugan named GulusGammamon.

GulusGammamon: hmph that was a huge waste of time.

James: True but I have a feeling this Amanda girl can give us a challenge.

GulusGammamon: I hope so.

But unaware that a mysterious boy was watching them.

At the park Amanda is walking around while seeing other kids having fun.

Meicrackmon then jumped on shoulder.

Meicrackmon: Sooo... Are you going to ask Jack on a date?

Amanda blushed when her bakugan partner asked her that.

Amanda:(blushing) W-what do you m-mean?

Meicrackmon: Aw come on Amanda even I know that you have a huge crush on him.

Amanda: Ok you got a point but I'm not yet ready to tell him my feelings yet.

Meicrackmon giggled.

Meicrackmon: Don't worry your secret is safe with me.

That's when Amanda bumped into someone.

Amanda: Oh I'm sorry didn't see you there.

?: It's ok. You're Amanda Emblem right?

Amanda: Yes but who are you?

?: The names James Wilson and I'm a Darkus Brawler.

Amanda:(smile) Nice to meet you James. Say do you want to have a bakugan battle with me?

James: Sure that's what I wanted to ask you also this is my bakugan partner Darkus GulusGammamon.

GulusGammamon: Sup.

Meicrackmon blushed a little in her ball form.

Meicrackmon: N-nice to meet you GulusGammamon.

James: So are you ready?

Amanda: You bet!

Both: Bakugan Field Open!

The attribute hexagon revealed itself on the ground as time slowed down and they were now in the bakugan battlefield.

Both: Gate Card set!

Amanda and James throws their Gate Cards in the opposite ends. They glow in both orange and purple as they enlarged to bigger size.

James: Bakugan Brawl!

James throws his bakugan on his Gate Card.

James: Darkus Siege Stand!

A dark knight appeared with a spear in his hand.

Amanda: Bakugan Brawl! 

Amanda throws her bakugan on her Gate Card.

Amanda: Tuskor Stand!

Orange light appeared and a huge elephant stomps on the Gate Card

Subterra Tuskor power level 380Gs

Darkus Siege power level 350Gs

Amanda: Ability Card activate: Nose Slap!

Tuskor attacks Siege by extending its trunk and slamming the dark knight sending him back to ball form and returned to James in defeat. Tuskor returned to Amanda in victory.

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