A Trance

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"Bambina, you have two people looking for you" Carina called from the front door, startling me from rocking Isabella in the rocking chair. Carrying our daughter with me, I found Andy and Jack waiting at the front door with a basket in hand.

"Why are you here?" I ask, Carina moving closer to me, placing one hand lightly on my lower back in a comforting way.

"We read your demands, and we think we're long overdue attempting any of it. Jack and I want to start here if you'll give us a chance." Andy states, sharing a hopeful look with Jack.

"You step over the line once, you're leaving this house, okay?" I threaten, Carina moving to take Isabella, but I refuse. Both teammates shake their head nervously.

"We wanted to give you a welcome home basket from the station, we all chipped in" They placed the basket on the kitchen table and waited for any type of reaction.

"Thank you, Carina can you put it in her room?" I say, maybe I'm being too strict or rude. Carina hesitates for a second but moves to take the basket away.

"We really are sorry, we wanted to ask if you would like to come to dinner with the team. We'd like to be a family again, like we used to be" Jack says.

"The family we were was a family that kicked me out, things need to change for me to come back." Again, I hint at a way for them to change.

"Come to dinner with Carina, and we can try and make a stronger foundation of a new family?" Jack asks in a more nervous tone that I'd never heard before.

"I'll think about it, you have my number so send the details." I remind them, watching as Carina comes back with an espresso in hand.

"We also wanted to say that we are proud of you for taking a step forward in your career, we're happy you're going to be a chief" Andy says sweetly, studying her face I try to decipher if there's any fakeness behind those words.

"Thank you, look Carina and I have a busy day today. It was nice of you two to stop by but I think its time for you both to leave" They both nod and move to the front door.

"For what it's worth, we would really like to have you back, but we understand if that never happens. How we treated you was unhealthy, and we'll never forgive ourselves. I'm sorry we didn't quite realise it until it was too late." Andy speaks.

"That's where you're wrong, you lead the hate train in the station. You knew exactly what you were doing. Goodbye" I move past them and open the front door for them to scurry out of.

The surprise threw me off, my emotions and psyche felt like they were fried. Carina was called into work for an unexpected and complicated surgery which left me with our six-month-old daughter. With a play pen littered with different toys, blankets, and pillows, I decided to play with Isabella. She's recently been very excited by animals, especially giraffes or kangaroos. We're not quite sure why her obsession grew, she's never been too a zoo and I don't think either animal has ever been selected as a favourite. Sitting on the covered floor, I placed Isabella on my lap. She leant against my chest, moving her little arms and legs to show she wanted something. Right in front of us was her giraffe, she started to gurgle slightly as she tried with all of her might to get the toy.

Despite the cuteness of Bella, I simply reached and picked up said toy, watching as she wrapped her arms tightly around the toy and placing a now discoloured but fluffy ear into her mouth. She continued to babble around the toy, fidgeting slightly when I'd stroke down the soles of her feet. My perfect little girl.


I'd lost myself in the time spent with Isabella, she'd pulled me into some sort of trance which was impenetrable. It wasn't until a large bang from the kitchen broke me out of said trance and seemingly woke a grumpy Bella from my lap.

"I was wondering how long it would take for you to notice I was home" Carina walks in with an amused look in her eye.

"How long have you been here for?" I ask, shifting my gaze from my wife back to my daughter as she stretches in my lap.

"It's been 45 minutes of me sitting on my chair over there, and a glass of wine" Carina states, enjoying the surprised look on my face.

"How has it been that long? How long was your surgery" I ask her, bouncing Isabella's hands as they hold onto my index fingers.

"About two hours" she says, moving to pick Isabella up from my lap to feed her. I nod, standing up too, only realising then the toll of sitting crossed legged for around three hours. Following Carina into our kitchen and watching her put our daughter in her highchair, knocks me straight into a trance-like state. She is the perfect mama to our daughter.

"Can we have another one?" I ask, not realising my thoughts had suddenly become vocalised.

"Another what?" Carina says distracted by the messy way Isabella was eating.

"Another one of them" I point in our daughter's reaction and wait for Carina to notice.

"A bambina?" she asks incredulously. A large grin spreads across her face, a quick nod from Carina confirms what our future might begin to look like.

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