An Arrival

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With the move to Tacoma, it was time for me to move my job to a different district, I guess I was insanely lucky that the chief in my district was set up to retire. I just had to wait 2 months before the job would be mine, excellent timing if you asked me. Carina still took on cases at Grey Sloan but in a part time role, she'd take on the more extreme cases as opposed to the more administrative side to the job. She's been enjoying it, she'd come home talking animatedly about the surgeries she'd do, or how a patient survived a surgery when they really shouldn't have. Isabella had started going to a different daycare, one that was just down the street from both my new workplace and Carina's clinic. Isabella has flourished, she works had at mastering words and is currently into Ballet, of course it would be a sport that I couldn't do anything but support her – I'm glad. There's been moments of teaching between Isabella and me, Isabella teaching me that is. There was a time in the kitchen where she tried to teach me a Plie and Eleve, essentially to bend your legs down to the floor and the opposite to rise up to your tiptoes.

"No mommy" She had shouted for the 13th time in the space of 5 minutes, despite the ability to do exactly what she wanted, I didn't quite have the 'fairy' feel she was looking for. She'd at some point roped Carina in and of course, Carina had the 'fairy' feel as she moved elegantly. My body hasn't quite mastered elegancy in the 30 years I've been alive but maybe with a daughter in Ballet, I'll be able to train myself. How can Carina while nine months pregnant be able to master the elegancy that I can't. She has some sort of mystery power.


Today was the day that Carina was going to be induced, we'd tried again to induce the pregnancy using all the tips and tricks in the book, but our son was comfortable. I guess I can't blame him, he must feel so safe. We'd decided that Grey Sloan would be the safest option for the birth, as we're not quite well versed with the hospitals around where we live. We'd driven up last night so that we could be as well rested as possible before the birth itself. We'd planned for Isabella to spend the day either in the hospital daycare or with a doctor we trust – which is pretty much everyone there, except for the interns or the new attendings since they've all got a death wish.

"Right, are you both excited to meet the next Deluca-Bishop?" Jo asked, entering the private room we'd requested months ago.

"I'm excited to no longer have a baby pushing on my bladder or kick me awake every night" Carina muttered under her breath, loud enough for everyone to hear. From that point, she was induced quickly, the contractions started, and she was slowly getting physically ready to birth our son, everything was going perfectly. We were nowhere near the point where she could push, she wanted me to get ice chips and a drink from a café a few streets over, she was being very specific.

Walking back into the lobby after getting the goods, I was pushed slightly by a person, a person I'd just pushed out of my life.

"Bishop, it's nice to see you back" Jack said, the usual charming smile on his face. "Wait a sec, I'll get the team" he announces, already heading over to the waiting area just the other side of the stairs from me. I felt frozen, of course the one time I'd come back to Seattle would be when I run into the entire team. The team all made their way over to me, sporting big smiles across their faces, Andy had held back slightly keeping her distance.

"I really need to get going" I said, almost instantly.

"You don't want to give your old team any of your attention, it's getting old" Jack said, a smirk replacing his smile, the smirk looking eviler than anything. Uncomfortable was a good way to describe my emotions.

"You're not my team. I've moved on and I'd like it if you did the same" I replied, rolling my eyes as I finished my sentence.

"It's been months, get over it" he reminds me of how long it truly has been since I'd been in the station and since I'd reached out to anyone.

"It's also been months since you and Andy whispered about how you wanted to make a bet to see how long it would take for me to either kill myself or make my wife or daughter want to do exactly that. You brought up my dad's name, saying things I'd shared with only one of you in confidence long before that conversation. That day was the day I'd refused to want anything to do with any of you, just like the family I grew up in, evil ran through it. I had to remove myself from my parents and my brother, I will happily and successfully move myself away from you. I hope you have great long lives, and I hope I'm never apart of any of them. Goodbye" As I share what Andy and Jack had talked about, the shocked faces of the team showed me that they either didn't know they'd been caught or that they couldn't quite believe that my ex-best friend and ex-boyfriend would say such things. Walking away, I felt good, it felt like there was a different type of air in my lungs, a different type of air that I'd only fell witness too at my wedding, the birth of Isabella, and every jump up the career ladder. I'm sure I'll have that exact same feeling when our little boy arrives.


Entering the hospital room, I could hear chatter. Walking closer to my wife, I could see the tense look on her face. The look she gave as she was about to start pushing.

"I'm sorry I'm late, my love. I had a bit of a run in with 19. I'll tell you about it after, okay?" I say, feeling guilty that she'd gone through a large part of the birth without me, that she'd missed out on the pain relief that only I could give her. She didn't quite answer but grabbed a hand, gripping it every tightly, it felt as if some of my knuckles were going to break and move in front of the others.

"Alright, it looks like you're ready to push. Maya, I need you to help coach her through the birth, remind her of the breathing techniques you've learnt, do what you need to do." Jo reminds me, my serious brain switches on as I observe my wife.

"Okay, Carina you can push" Jo coaxes her into doing the one thing she's so desperate to do. Just hearing the word push ignited everything natural in Carina, it was beautiful to see.


It didn't take long for our ears to be filled with cries. A baby was placed on Carina's chest, and I cut the cord. A look of relief was present on Carina's face and I'm sure my face too. Our son was taken out of the room for his first health checks while Carina had to birth the placenta. After doing so, we had five minutes of silence of Carina's breathing slowly becoming shallower and to the normal speed.

"I believe this is your son" Jo said as she carried the little boy in blue blankets.

"That is Leonardo Andrea Deluca-Bishop, or Leo for short" I proudly stated, hurrying to hold my son for the first time.

"He's already stealing the hearts of the nurses" Jo informed us. Looking down at our son being placed on Carina's chest, there was a new sense of calm. A calm that a child brought us, a landmark of change in our lives as a family.

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