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Chapter 3: Trust

"So, that led you here?" I ask her. She nods drinking orange juice. "You don't look like a kindergarten teacher, Miss Elena" I tell her sipping on my juice. Yes, I'm drinking juice in a freaking pub. It'd be inappropriate to drink alcohol infront of her. So I ignore my cravings for alcohol because I really hoped to get drunk and end up with some blonde on bed for tonight. But now, I'm enjoying what I'm doing.

She laughs. I gaze at her. She's so life of the party. She wipes the corner of her mouth. I wish to taste it.

"You can call me Elena. You don't have to formal to me." She says. Her honesty. Damn! Stefan. You're so fucked.

"So, how long have you been staying here?" I ask her. She puckers her lips. "I don't know. I haven't planned something for my future yet. It was my first day at school and I'm already loving it." She tells me.

I see her hair dangling on the side of the face. I really want to move it to behind her ear. I basically am a very strong confident person and I don't care what the girl needs as far as it depends on my needs but being here with her is making me feel something that I've never felt before. Well, did once feel for a girl who ended up rolling on my brother's bed. Shout-out to Damon jr. Girl's aren't for big things like Stefan enough jr. so they always go to Damon from me which I'm not complaining about. My confidence is dead as it comes to Elena.

I regain my confidence as I gently push her hair out of her face and tug it behind her ear. She looks at me through the corner of her eyes. I'm really expecting her to smash me or yell at me but she softly smiles. She's so pretty.

"Thank you" she says. I keep brushing my fingers on her hair gently. When I think it's enough, I let go.

We keep gazing at each other but Junior's sudden long yawn bring us back to the world.

"He fell asleep" she says excitedly. I bite my lower lip.

I turn on my back and cough. "And they're doing the deed right now" I say placing my hand on my waist and another on the countertop.

She looks back and opens her mouth. Klaus and Caroline are battling with tongues. Eww I think. "My brother's getting lucky tonight" I grin. I remember sleeping with Caroline few years ago but she was so boring that I needed to get out of own trailer and that's how we end up hating each other.

"Just like one night stand?" Elena asks turning her look away from them. I shrug my shoulder. "Not really. Ummm... Nik always had a thing for the blonde. For her maybe one night stand but for Nik it's a dream of his life" I tell her.

She looks at me. "The blonde. She has a name, Caroline" she tells me softly giving me a questioning glare. I cough
"Yeah... Well... We're not really fan of each other. She hates me so do I" I tell her sipping my juice.

"Why?" She asks. I turn to look at her. "Never mind." She tells immediately thinking I am offended.

"We slept and I bailed on her. I ... Let's just say it wasn't really good for me" I ignore her as I say.

She says nothing. And then we go back in our awkward silence. "I think you should go home. Junior is really struggling to sleep here" she tells me. She worries for him. She's so motherly.

"Yeah, right" I tell her. As I get up and pick Junior up against my shoulder. I see Elena looking for Caroline and Nik. I sigh.

"I think your friend left with mine's" I grin. She still tries to find them but they're not here.

"Let's go to my place" I say it out loud and bite my tongue.

She looks at me like I just gave her 440 vault shock treatment. "Excuse me?" She asks me.

I shake my head. "Please, I don't want to make you uncomfortable. It's that they are gone and don't know if they are going to crash on Nik's place or Caroline's. Do you really want to walk on them if you go back to home?" I ask her.

She closes her eyes. "God! No" she shrugs. "Exactly. So, you've only two options; walk on them or you can stay in my trailer for the night. I swear it's clean" I guarantee her, moving my hand to make a point.

She wrinkles her eyebrows, lost in deep thoughts. "I'm not a serial killer and you know Junior. And Junior is going to stay with me tonight. So, you can blindly trust me and stay in my place, Elena" I assure her.

She keeps thinking and then sighs. "Okay" she agrees. I'm the luckiest bastard alive.

I notice she takes the crutches to stand up and then I remember the floors aren't easy to walk in.

"Hold on" I stop her. She looks at me confused. I storm out of the place, unlock my car and place sleepy Junior on the back seat.

I rush in, see Elena holding on her crutches.

"Where's junior?" She asks. "In the car. You probably need help with these." I tell her. She looks at me confused.

"The floor isn't easy to walk" I tell her. She now nods probably remembers I helped her to get in.

I gently wrap my hand around her waist as she takes every step in my support. The first thing you need to start a relationship is trust and she trusts me.

So, that's for tonight. Thanks for reading please vote and review.

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