Not Your Confession

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Chapter 11: Not Your Confession

I walk out of the room after listening to Elena. She was broken, sad, upset and above all afraid. She didn't deserve any of that. I clench my jaw thinking how to end that asshole. If I see him, it'll be his last day on this earth.

I pace out of frustration. That's when I see Klaus and that blonde chick rushing in my direction. The visible hardness on my face fades. I am so thankful to Klaus for what he did to Elena. He's the reason that Elena's here with me. Safe.

"Hey, mate" he says huffing.

I open my arms and pulls him into my arms which surprises him and the blonde chick jaw gets widely open but I don't pay attention to her.

I pet on his back. "Stefan! What? You lost your my mind?" He says awkwardly and barely embracing me.

I break the hug and hold on his biceps. Klaus is giving me the most awkwardest stare.

I nod and smile widely as I past them, saying nothing, leaving
them utterly shock.

"What was that?" I hear the blonde asking. "I've... no.. idea" Klaus says dramatically.

"Did you two?" Caroline asks suspiciously. Klaus closes his eyes and shakes his head. "Don't even" he warns.


"Hey" I look at the door and see my best friend smiling widely. "We both came to check up on you" she says as she gets in. I smile softly and stop reading whatever I find on the side table. Klaus gets in after Caroline.

"Here I bought you a comfort present" she says handing me a bag. I shock as I open it. "You brought pebbles?" I ask pulling it out and holding it.

Pebbles is my bed time buddy. A grey colored Koala bear my mother gave me when I was four.

I hug it. 'Thank you, Care. I really appreciate it" I tell her. She smiles widely.

"I hope you're okay now" Klaus asks. I smile and I nod. "Yes, I'm doing great. But I hate this. Living in hospital" I say. The sadness is visible on my face.

"Well, you just need a few days to recover. And then I'll bring you home" Caroline says excitedly. I look at her, loving the way she's excited but then I think about him. He's here. He probably knows where I live. What if he shows up. What if he's already living in our apartment. What if he attacks Caroline if he can't find me there.

I gasp thinking about what he did to my little sister. He can easily harm Caroline. "No, no. Caroline. Don't go home. He's here. He's here" I say panicking.

Caroline sits on the side of my bed, astonished. "Sweetie! Who's here?" She asks placing her palm on the back of my hand, giving a little squeeze. I lick my lips as my eyes fall. I want to cry so hard. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me.

"Cody" I tell her. Klaus wrinkles his eyebrows. "What? He's here? How's thid possible? How did he even you live here! We made it perfectly clear that nobody knows where you're living in" Klaus says in annoyance.

I shake my head. "I don't know. I don't know. He's the reason I'm here. I was supposed to be on a date with Stefan. I was in a flowershop, picking out a bouquet. And that's when he showed up. I lose my control and I hurt myself." I tell them.

Caroline makes an angry face. Her face tightens immediately. "That bastard is going to die in my hands" Caroline says angrily.

I can't help but laugh. She's fuming out. "Don't laugh" she warns me and I stop.

"Stefan found me and brought me here" I add.

"I told him everything. About Cody." I pause for a moment. "What he did to me" I say sadly looking down.

Klaus mouths get open as he clicks on his tongue. "Now, I get it why Stefan acted like that earlier" he tells out of blur.

I squint my eyebrows, tilt my head. "What?" I ask. Klaus licks his lips. "Nothing, but" he says pointing his index finger at me.

"You don't have to worry about that asshole. I'm pretty sure Stefan's already searching for that bastard. He'll end him anyway." Klaus says.

"What!!!!" I ask hysterically.

"No" Caroline says getting up. "I'm going to kill him. I won't lay your whore bestie's hand on that bastard. Because he's mine to kill" Caroline whines.

Klaus sighs. "Too late, Love. Maybe first find Cody and then we can vote "Who would get to kill Cody" Klaus makes a joke.

I shake my head. "Nobody's killing Cody. Stop it. You don't understand. He's walking danger. He literally made my entire neighborhood turn against me in a week. He can harm Stefan" I say worriedly.

"Cut it off. Stefan and I have been dealing with such assholes for a very long time. I didn't kill that bastard because you wanted to hide your identity and you wanted to leave your own country otherwise he'd dead by then, by ne" he tells me as I keep looking at him.

"And you have no idea what Stefan can do for his beloveds. He's good as an angel and bad as a devil. He can easily crush everything specially in your case" he tells me.

I press my forehead together. "You have no idea how much he loves you, wants you, respects you. I've seen him with many women but I've never seen him this crazy for someone. I see how happy he looks around with you because you... You make him happy.

Even after losing his nephew, he didn't break down. It's only because of you. Don't you see, Elena!! He can die for you as much as he can kill for you. You're the love of his life" Klaus says out loudly, romantically, dramatically mostly he sounds like he's narrating a novel, novel of Stefan and Elena, because his words are touchy. Melting my heart. Aching for Stefan. Is Stefan really love me that much? Is this because of love for whatever is doing! He's doing everything because he loves me. Am I only missing out Stefan Salvatore in my life? Is this what I want and need. A person like Stefan in my life?

"Thank you. Thank you. For speaking everything to her before I get a chance" we all look at the door as we see Stefan's flustered face. He looks pissed. I bet he's been listening us for a very long time but we didn't pay attention to him.

Klaus, brother, let the man speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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