|| that boy.. that damn boy.. ||

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It's September 1st and the school year is about to start. You can't wait to meet your best friend, Draco, again after so long. You say goodbye to your parents, get on the train and start looking for Draco.
Y/n💭:"where the hell is he?"
D:"Y/N!" He shouts from the other part of the wagon as he starts to run towards you.
Y/n:"DRACO!" you hug him as soon as he gets to you and you both start to laugh.
Y/n:"Can you believe it? WE'RE GOING TO HOGWARTS!"
D:"I KNOW" he says excitedly.
You get in the same cabin and start to talk, after a small while a girl knocks on the door
?:"Excuse me, can I come in?"
The girl gets her suitcase on the shelves and sits next to you.
?:"Hi, I'm Pansy Parkinson"
D:"Draco Malfoy" he says with a smile
Y/n:"I'm Y/n Y/l/n, nice to meet you"
You talked with her for the whole time and when you finally arrived you could contain your happiness. You were talking to Draco to how happy the both of you were and how amazing this was going to be. You finally get to Hogwarts, you follow Hagrid and the other with the boats and get in the castle.
Y/n💭:"wow.. it's huge.." you think as you go up the stairs and look around with an amused look on your face. You explore the castle for a little bit and then go back to Draco.
D:"C'mon y/n! We're going to get sorted in like- 5 minutes or so"
Y/n:"Yeah, sorry" you get there and listen to the professor McGonagall as she talks and explains everything. After a little bit you get in the great Hall and wait for your name to get called. Draco's first.. "Slytherin!" the hat says without hesitation, after him other people get called. After 10 minutes or so you finally get called.. "mhh.. you're a hard one, aren't you?.." the hat says. You just hope to be with Draco.. the hat thinks for a little longer than shouts "Slytherin!" You and Draco exult from joy. You run to the Slytherin table and hug him. You talk for a while but then the whole room gets quiet all of a sudden.. Professor McGonagall looks quite uncomfortable..
Mg:"Mattheo.. Riddle.."
You see a boy going up to the hat, the professor can't even put the hat on his head that it yells "SLYTHERIN!". Before you knew he was basically sitting next to you. He didn't look really friendly so you didn't disturb yourself by talking to him. Draco seemed a bit off tho..
Y/n:"what is it?"
D:"don't you know?.."
Y/n:"know what?"
D:"oh for Merlin's sake. You're really stupid sometimes y/n." He says as he puts his hand on his face. D:"he's the dark lord's son" he whispers
Y/n:"sorry- no but really, what the fuck?!"
D:"I know- I'm not really happy about it either but knowing my parents, they'll want me to be friends with him.. not sure he wants any friends tho"
Y/n:"yeah I got the same feeling.. maybe we can try and talk to him another day.."
D:"fine by me"
A week goes by and you find yourself sitting next to Mattheo.
Y/n:"Hi, I'm y/n" You try to start a conversation but he doesn't seem interested at all. You roll your eyes and try to stay friendly.
Y/n:"if you need anything you can ask me" You say with a small smile but he still doesn't respond so you just decide to shut up and mind your own business.
It's been a month since you meet him. He's kind of friends with Draco but just cause of his parents and, plus, he's always so rude and annoying. Neither of you like him really much actually. Draco and Pansy come up to you and hug you.
D & P:"happy birthday!"
Y/n:"thanks guys" After you spend all day with them you get to the astronomy tower to relax and look at the stars for a little bit. You're laying on the floor when you suddenly hear the door opening. You get up and look for who it is. You roll your eyes as soon as you see Mattheo and you lay back down. He gets nearer to you as he lights up one of his cigarettes. You stay silent, both looking up at the sky. Then suddenly you hear him talk..
M:"Draco told me it's your birthday so.. Happy birthday I guess.." You're quite shocked but you shake that feeling off immediately.
Y/n:"ehm.. thanks.." Not another word comes out of his mouth, just a "mh" that you guessed it meant "you're welcome" or something like that.
You two never really had a great contact in the past years, you mostly just pissed yourselves off and that was it until.. you realised that you were starting to like him a little bit.. He changed a lot those last 2 years.. He became more attractive and his voice got deeper, the only thing was that he didn't seem to feel the same about that, he just kept on pissing you off and nothing more even though, sometimes - where you were just with him, Draco and Pansy - he did provoke you a little bit.. It wasn't until one more year later that you two got together. When you told him he says that he never thought you could actually feel the same as him and that it was already a year he was basically in love with you.


I hope you're all doing well and that you'll like the story, I'm really excited cause this is the first one I published after the one I deleted 2 years ago and also cause next week it's Halloween and I really can't wait.

PS:My Mattheo may be a bit more gentle and kind than the usual 'toxic' one but that's how I like him so yeah-

Mattheo Riddle x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now