Ep 2: Eye of the Beholder part 2

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No One PoV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hiccup must decide whether to save the still-trapped Riders on the quickly sinking ship or pursue him to escape. He chooses to save his friends, letting Dagur sail off in the process.

Dagur: [laughing] Isn't this exciting? What will he choose, ladies and gentlemen? Saving his friends or capturing his mortal enemy, his brother?

Hiccup goes to save his friends and zooms off on Toothless to the Reaper.

Dagur: Hmm. Disappointing, but oh, so-typically Hiccup.

Back at the boat, everyone started to panic cause it was sinking since Dagur shot the Bolder and hit the ship.

Gang: Get us out of here! Hiccup, help!

Hiccup: Move back from the door! Toothless, plasma blast.''

Toothless blasts the door of the cage, but leaves it without a single scratch

Fishlegs: Dragon-proof bars?! Oh, fascinating.

Hiccup: Whoever built this ship knew what they were doing.

Giant eels make their way towards them. Hiccup attempts to wedge the cage door open with his metal leg, and the door opens when the boat tilts. As the ship rocks to a side, tossing Snoutlout onto Fishlegs

"Snoutlout: Whoa! ''

Ships rock to the other side, tossing Fishlegs onto him.

Oh, you know what would be more fascinating? Get us out of here!

Hiccup: Toothless, now! [Toothless fires two more shots, but to no avail] We need more firepower. Guys, dragon calls!

The gang begins calling their dragons while the Giant eels emerge, hissing and squirming toward them.

Snotlout: Why'd it have to be EELS?!

 Toothless fires more shots at the eels

Hiccup: Come on! [straining to open the cage] Aah! [Giant eel grabs his leg] Toothless! [Toothless fires at the eel, freeing Hiccup] Thanks, bud. [removes his prosthetic leg and tries to open the door with it]

Snotlout: Uhh! Hookfang! Help us! I'm important!

Astrid: Stormfly!

Ruffnut: Barf, Belch, get your butts over here!

 Hiccup was clinging onto the cage for his life on the now-vertical ship

"Hiccup:  Uhh! Toothless!

Toothless snarling, gets ready to fire before realizing that he used up his shot while roaring to call other dragons and then the Other dragons fly over

Gang: AH!

 The cage door opens and they fall out of it, clinging onto each other and the open cage door

Tuffnut: [Holding Hiccup's prosthetic leg] That was great. Aah! No! Aah! [fighting off eels before Barf and Belch emerge and fire at the eels] Oh, so now you decide to show up. [all get onto their dragons]

Fishlegs: That was way too close.

Astrid: Hiccup, what are we doing?

Hiccup: You guys go back to Berk. I'm going after Dagur. Whatever that cylinder-looking thing is, I know one thing for sure... it shouldn't be in his hands.

Hiccup and toothless fly towards Dagur's ship who look at the object in his hand.

''Dagur: [staring at the cylindrical object] Amazing. I've never seen anything quite like this.''

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