Payu flirts with his baby(part-2)

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It was evening and finally all the relatives and cousins had left..

Payu comes out of his room...

Rain to Fah..

Rain : Fah I will go to my condo na...

Fah : No baby stay here na...
Tomorrow let's go together to Uni...

Rain : I have to wash my clothes and clean up my condo I will go na please

Fah : Hmmm okay fine
Come I will drop you...

Payu : Fah...

Fah : ha phi...

Payu : You both come with me I will treat you both ice cream

Fah : Really phi...???

Payu : Yes come...

Rain : I want to go to my condo...

Payu looks at Rain...

Payu : After eating ice cream I will drop you...

They reach ice cream parlour and first Fah and Rain goes inside the shop as Payu was parking the car...

Fah never leaves this type of opportunity when his brother is treating

Fah : Rain come let's order...

Rain : You go order and come na Fah am so tired I will sit here

Saying this Rain sits on the chair and Fah goes to order...

Payu gets inside to see his baby sitting alone on the chair

He goes near Rain...

Payu : My cutie baby...
Don't you want anything...

Rain : Fah went to order phi...

Payu looks at Fah who was so busy ordering he takes this chance and quickly pecks on Rain lips...

Rain : Phi....
What the hell are you doing...???
Fah is here...

Payu : I know cutie...

Before Fah comes Payu takes a chance and sits next to Rain...

Fah orders so many snacks along with ice cream and comes back...

Fah : Phi that is my seat...

Payu : Should I not sit here...???

Fah : It's okay you sit na...
You're such a good brother...
You're often treating us...

You sit where ever you want....

They were sitting and waiting for the order...

Payu wanted to get naughty...

He puts his left hand on Rain's thigh....

Rain was 😳

He couldn't speak anything because Fah was right in front of them...

Payu starts to move his hands all over Rain's thighs...

Rain immediately takes his mobile out and types...


And shows it to Payu...

For that Payu takes his mobile out and types...


He shows it to Rain...

Rain was literally so scared that Fah might get doubt

He didn't know what to do and he pinches Payu's hand so hard...

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