Payu and Fah pisses Rain alot 🤣

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Next day after Payu hurting his leg...

Rain wakes up soon and goes down to kitchen and brings hot coffee to Payu..

As Payu had taken medicines he was still sleeping..

Rain softly touches Payu..

Rain : Phi... Phi...

Payu slowly opens his eyes...

Payu : Yes baby...

Rain : Get up and have some coffee phi...

Payu : Oh my sweetheart you prepared coffee for me...
That's so sweet...

Rain helps Payu to sit and he drinks the coffee...

While he was drinking coffee Fah taps the door...

Fah : Good morning love birds...

Phi... how are you feeling now..???
Is the pain reduced...???

Payu : Yeah it's reduced a bit after taking medicines...

Now it was time to take shower...

Fah : Phi take help from you cutie pie to take bath and if anything needed call me...

Saying this Fah was about to leave the room

Rain was 😳

Rain : Fah... Fah...

Fah : What baby...???

Rain : Your his brother na...
You give him bath....

Payu : Baby but you're the one who should help me na...

Rain : How will I help...
Fah will help you na...

Fah pulls Rain outside...

Fah : Give me a minute phi... Will be back...

Outside the room...

Fah : Rain...!!!
Are you out of your mind...???

Rain : Why what did I do now...???

Fah : Your such a dumb idiot...
Your boyfriend is asking you to give him a bath and you're refusing it...

If you do like this whole life you will be virgin itself...

Rain : But am shy..🙈

Fah : Baby....
I will definitely kick your ass now...

Go give phi a bath and help him...

Play a little bit smarter okay come now...

Fah drags Rain inside the room...

Fah : Phi.... Rain will give you bath...

Rain : But... I... Did not...

Fah : Okay then fresh up soon will have breakfast...
Saying this Fah leaves the room...

Rain was standing so shyly in front of Payu...

Payu : Baby... come closer to me...

Rain goes closer to Payu and sits in front of him...

Payu : Why won't you give me bath...???

Rain : Am so shy phi...

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