Don't stop me 🔞

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Evening Payu and Rain were in Payu's room

Rain was gently massaging Payu's leg

Payu told him not to do that but Rain is a caring guy and that too Payu is his boyfriend and he wants to take such a good care of him...

Payu and Fah parents returns one day earlier from business trip because loving son Payu was injured

They had no clue that Payu and Rain are dating

As soon as Payu mom reached home she goes directly to his room..

Fah was in his room and was not aware that his parents came back home

As she opens the door she sees Rain sitting and massaging Payu's legs

She gets very angry...

Mom : Where the hell is Fah...???

Payu and Rain were about to stop her and explain everything but she shouts and goes down to Fah room...

She goes to Fah and holds his ears and brings to Payu's room...

Dad : Fah...
Your Payu's brother and you should be taking care of him but you left Rain to take care of Payu and enjoying in your room..

Fah : Mom... dad... its not like that...

He looks at Payu and Rain...

Fah : Will you both keep your mouth shut till mom kill me...???

Mom : What should they say...???

Payu : Actually....
Mom... dad....

Dad : What Payu...???
Speak out na...

Payu : Me and Rain are dating...!!!

Mom and dad both were 😳

Mom : What did you say...???

Rain : Yes auntie
We both are dating...
That is the reason I am taking care of phi...

Listening to this Payu's parents were on cloud nine...

They love Rain so much

Mom : Really

Payu : Yes mom..

She immediately hugs Rain and kisses on his forehead

Mom : Oh my god...!!!

To be frank I really dreamt about it and also told dad about it...

We love Rain a lot and I always want him to be our family

Thank you so very much Rain for excepting Payu...

Am really overwhelmed 🥰
After about 2 weeks Payu was completely alright now...

Rain stayed with Payu for 2 weeks and took good care of him..

Rain : Phi I will go to my condo...

Payu : Why baby...???

Rain : I didn't go to my condo for more than 10 days and I want to go see the condition of my condo first...

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