Part 1

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All I could see was darkness.

I tried to stand up however failed due to the speed I was moving up at. I seemed to be in a box of some sort surrounded by crates of supplies. I figured that whoever had put me there probably wouldn't mind if I had a quick look at what was inside. I tried to adjust my eyes to the darkness and opened the first crate in which were bags of what looked like flour or sugar. I walked over to the other side of the box and opened up the second crate but due to the darkness around me I couldn't see what was inside. I decided to put my hand inside and try to figure out what was there. I didn't consider the fact that there could be something sharp and I remember feeling a small, sharp pain in my hand as I discovered that the box contained knives and weapons. I took the knife that had cut my hand, finally something useful.

All of a sudden the box came to a stop, throwing me into the corner. I squinted my eyes as a ray of light emerged into the box. Not long after, a boy, blond hair and tall, jumped into the box and then froze as he looked at me.

"What, do you sleep with your eyes open?" I asked, receiving a confused look from the boy.

"It's a girl..." 

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock."

He had a British accent that seemed vaguely familiar however, I couldn't quite remember where I knew it from. That's when I remembered that I didn't know my name, or where I was, or how I got there. I secured the knife I had in my hands, adjusting the position I was holding it in and then, all of a sudden I took out my hand from behind my back and raised it up so that the blade of the knife just about made contact with the boys neck.

"Where am I and why can't I remember anything?!"
"Woah calm down! We are not going to hurt you." He said slightly alarmed. "How about we get you out of this box and then, once you've calmed down we can answer your questions? Aye?"

I looked around to see that the box was surrounded by many boys but when I tilted my head slightly to my right, there was a clear pathway, with no-one in the way. Perfect. I looked at the boy as he waited for an answer to his question and I lowered my knife from his neck.

"No." I said while turning around and I jumped out of the box and hit the solid earth. The boy seemed to notice along with everyone else although they all reacted too slowly and by the time the blond boy got out of the box I was far away from them. As I ran towards what seemed to be a forest I passed an Asian boy who had just ran out from between these two odd walls. He looked me in the eyes and I just grinned. After seeing everyone chasing after me, a couple meters behind, he seemed to snap back into reality and ran after me. 

He was fast - but I was faster.

I ran until I reached the end of the forest and was welcomed by a great grey wall. Shit. I had no where to run and the Asian boy seemed to be very fast and soon had me cornered along with three other boys.

"Oh God, you are fast." said the Asian boy as he gulped on air as if he were never to breathe again.

"If you promise not to run away, we'll tell you everything we know..." Replied a boy with brown hair who I had not yet seen. He noticed how hesitant I was so he began introducing himself.

"Oh, I'm Thomas by the way. That over there is Minho, he's the one who caught up to you unlike the rest of us." The boy seemed proud of himself as he heard his friend complimenting him but I just rolled my eyes.

"I'm Newt, second in command and I gotta admit you are fast for a girl." I just laughed.

"And you're weak for a leader." I replied earning a smile from the boy who had been introduced as Minho.

"And that's Gally." The boy called Gally just stared at me.

"I get it, my beauty dazzled you!" I replied earning yet another smirk this time from the three others, Gally just looked away, his cheeks turning a shade of pink. I tried to ignore it and persuaded myself it was just the lighting.

"Anyway, I'm no-name, pleasure to meet y'all!" I said in the most sarcastic tone I could. "Now you four had better start talking and explain where the fuck I am!"

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