Chapter 2: Shed some Light on the Night-mare

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As the gang were kidnapped and introduced to the Night Raid, the whole group was amazed at the two. But the woman with an eyepatch introduces herself.

Najenda: Name's Najenda

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Najenda: Name's Najenda. You must be the brothers Akame wanted. Anyway, Night Raid is a part of the Revolutionary Army that specializes in taking down the corrupt empire. We target officials and the upper class. You also wanted the brown haired and not a fox boy?

Jin: Yeah. Surprisingly, Tatsu has some use. By the way, name's Jin.

Jun: I'm Jun! Nice to meet you all!

A man rushes up to the fox eared boys and shakes their hands.

A man rushes up to the fox eared boys and shakes their hands

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Bulat: I'm Bulat of Night Raid. Nice to meet you, Jin and Jun.

Leone: FYI you two, he's gay.

Jun: Cool. But sorry, we're straight.

Jin: Both of us.

Bulat: Oh. Ok.

Leone: But he is right! You are both cute.

Bulat: Leone!

Jin: And you're a woman who just drinks instead of doing other worthwhile things.

Leone: *bit mad* I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.

Najenda: You know Akame and Leone. But our remaining members are Lubbock, Mine, and Sheele,

Lubbock: They seem cool. And those Teigu of yours, damn! You'll fit right in!

Jin: Well. Humans in this city are meant to be different.

Sheele: I guess they are. Why'd they say humans though?

Najenda: They're new and unique. And besides, we're all human.

Jin and Jin: (Yeah, human.)

Najenda: Best to let their quirks reveal over time.

Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Brothers of the Afterlife (Tatsumi x Akame)Where stories live. Discover now