Chapter 29: No Separate Way

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Kurome gets a carriage and Bols gets horses, as they buy supplies so they can put on a cover to to sneak out Jin, Tatsumi, and Esdeath. Jin, and Tatsumi hide under the carriage and give Esdeath a hood. As they prepare to leave, they were approached by a guard.

Guard: Anything to declare?

Bols: Lots of food and supplies. Nothing wrong with that.

Kurome: Most of the stuff is for me.

Guard: Then you won't mind if I check.

They check the carriage and all the boxes were filled with food and water. It also had medical supplies and seeds.

Kurome: Can we go now? I cannot wait to eat this food.

Guard: Well, if you aren't smuggling anything illegal or any criminals, I guess you can go on ahead. Sorry.

Bols: It's ok. Come on!

Their carriage pulled away and as Bols an Kurome left to the outskirts, Esdeath, Tatsumi, and Jin cheered silently.

Their carriage pulled away and as Bols an Kurome left to the outskirts, Esdeath, Tatsumi, and Jin cheered silently

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After a while, Jin gets checks the area, sniffs it a bit, and tries to get out.

Jin: Now we can get out.

Esdeath: Hold on. There can be more than the boundary between the Capitol and the Outskirts. We need to keep laying low. Kurome, anyone around?

Akame's sister looks over the area to make sure no one followed them. Once the coast was clear, she alerted them.

Kurome: You can get out now.

They then get out from the undercarriage, put on hoods, and make their way over to Bols's village.

Esdeath: I just wanted to say, thank you all for doing something to help the three of us.

Tatsumi: Yeah, we appreciate it.

Jin: Thanks, you guys. Except Wave since he did nothing but cower in fear.

They then just stare at him dumbfounded as he was questioning himself. And Kurome for some reason, she held a blade to his neck.

Jin: What?

Jin: What?

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Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Brothers of the Afterlife (Tatsumi x Akame)Where stories live. Discover now