Reading brielles message, Shaun's eyes watered. 'i know sweet heart and I'm so very sorry' rushing to the airport control room, Shaun just wanted to hear they had found them'. "Mister arlington, we are doing all we can to find them" "have pilots been sent out?" "We can't.." "CANT?" "a weather warning has been put out. We can't take off" "our kids are out there.." "we know sir. We don't have pull in this. Have you heard from your daughter?" "Yes. They are safe so far but.." "we are doing all we can. We are hoping that wherever they are, this weather doesn't hit them. You need to warn them just in case. We haven't got much time" Shaun's heart sunk. 'That's my daughter. That's Rome, Miley and Orson.. others kids lives' Shaun grabbed his phone back out.
- Brielle, a weather warning has been put out. Please prepare yourselves in case it does hit you. Shelter, warmth. Please stay safe. I mean it Brielle. I do love you and I'm so very sorry.
"Mmm this is so good" everyone nodded "finally some food besides fruit bars.. I'm not complaining.." "I know. I agree" Brielle looked at the sky as it started to get cloudy. "Cumulonimbus clouds.." "WHAT?" everyone looked around. "NO" "they stated.." "we have to buckle down" "the fire.." "we can relight it. Grab everything" with worry running through all of them they rushed to finish their food and grabbed everything near the fire before running through the sand up to the camp. "We need to tie everything down" "shelter" "the wall. We can hang it" everyone looked at Brielle. "It won't block the wind" "IT WILL BLOCK THE RAIN.." 'mileys freaking out' they all know what the storms can be like' "let's get this done. Make sure it's tight. We don't want it falling" 'we only have so much rope' untying the rope from the trees, Orson threw the clothes in the cases not caring about whose they are and zipped them up while Miley, Rome and Brielle worked to get the wind wall up. "PULL" both girls pulling on the rope, Orson and Rome tied the rope either side of their sleeping area. Using the last of the rope to tie down their luggage, Miley started shaking her hands out. "It will be fine Miley. All of us together we can do this. We have gotten through the accident together.." Brielle rushed to grab her phone and turned it on.
Dad - Brielle, a weather warning has been put out. Please prepare yourselves in case it does hit you. Shelter, warmth. Please stay safe. I mean it Brielle. I do love you and I'm so very sorry.
- we have done all we can to secure our luggage and safety. We don't know how it will go but Cumulonimbus clouds are approaching and fast.
Dad - stay safe you four we can't get pilots out to search right now. They have put a stop to all flights. You four are doing great. Hold on.'rain. It's starting to rain..' Brielle looked around. "which one of you has less?" "Us two" "Rome we need your case" "mine?" "It can hold water. We can collect fresh water from the rain" "she's right..MOVE. CHUCK YOUR SHIT IN MINE" Rome rushed to throw his belongings in orsons case and took his case out to the edge of the trees. "We need to tie it down so it doesn't blow away or close" "ROPE. WE NEED ROPE" Brielle rushed the last of the rope to Orson and Rome. Watching both guys work fast to tie the suit case down, brielles eyes softened. 'they work so well together'. "Done. That should hold. Good idea brielle" "we need fresh water. We can't continue on a sip" "you are right" the wind picking up, everyone moved back into the camp and sat down under the shelter of wood. 'this is going to be a big Storm' everyone sitting silent while the rain bucketed down around them and thunder surrounding them, Miley screamed out as lighting hit the edge of the island. Orson immediately grabbing her, he held her tight in his arms. 'its scary for all of us. We could die today. The sky is gloomy and it's humid. It went from boiling hot to now feeling like we can't breathe. If we all break down it's only going to make things so much worse' Rome looked at brielle as she laid on her back just staring at the sky. 'it resembles my heart. How I have felt all of these years. The lightning is every strike against my heart. The thunder.. my dad's screaming and yelling at me...' noticing tears travel down her cheeks, Rome moved to lay beside her but never touched her 'she doesn't look scared. She is hurting though. None of us know her story. Claudias life sounded like she had it all but not elle. Something is seriously wrong' 'everyday I felt like I was drowning. It's a storm I will get through. I have dealt with the yelling and strikes for years'. Hearing trees fall in the distance, Miley kept her head on orsons chest. "you two alright?" "Yeah. You?" "Yeah" "yeah. Thanks" closing her eyes while taking in the sound of the rain and thunder, for the first time In a long time brielle rested without worrying if someone would come in and yell at her or attack her like Claudia used to do.
"Brielle?" Rome grinned when he noticed her breathing "she's not seriously sleeping through this?" "Seems that way" "how can someone sleep in this?" "Like that" "maybe this is the most relaxed she has been" Miley looked at Brielle with a softness In her eyes as her mind was now on Brielle "she's been through a lot" "she opened up to you?" "Not really but I spoke to her about how long her hair is. Asked why she hasn't cut it. All she said was punishment" "punishment?" Miley nodded "her dad wrote he's made a lot of mistakes and he's sorry. Said he loves her and her reply was she had waited years to hear him say that.. I don't know if it was to hear him say sorry or he loves her but either way it's sad" "yeah.." 'what has happened in her life?'.
'my daughter hasn't replied nor has she got her phone on. I know she's saving her battery but I need to know if she is okay' Claudia entering the house, Shaun looked at her with anger "hi dad, how good is this.." "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" "we can live happily without.." "GET OUT" Claudia's eyes widened "ALL YOUR SHIT HAS BEEN SOLD. YOU ARE A SPOILED BRAT.." "MY STUFF.." "I PURCHASED IT. ITS GONE. YOU WONT SEE A CENT FROM ME. LISTEN TO YOU. YOU ARE HEARTLESS" "SHE IS A LOSER.." "YOU WILL BE. LIVING IN THE SLUMS WITH NOTHING LIKE YOUR MOTHER. YOU DONT LIVE HERE. HOW IS THAT SCHOOL OF YOURS CLAUDIA? YOU ARENT RETURNING TO MAC" "WHAT?" "I CANCELLED YOUR SCHOOLING. YOU WANT TO PRETEND LIKE YOU OWN THE WORLD, YOU CAN EARN THAT RIGHT. GET OUT OF MINE AND BRIELLES HOME" shaun pushed Claudia out "SHES DEAD LIKE I HOPED" Shaun slammed the door in Claudia's face and locked it. "You heartless little girl. I'm ashamed to know you" "MIND YOUR BUSINESS OLD LADY" "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO MY MOTHER THAT WAY..." "Nor.." "GO" Claudia ran off with tears in her eyes. 'I DONT WANT TO LIVE WITH MOM. I DONT WANT TO GO TO THAT SCHOOL. ITS BECAUSE OF HER. I HOPE SHES DEAD'.waking up, Brielle immediately looked around. 'shit. I left them to.. they are all asleep' Brielle looked at her watch. 'four a.m. the rain is still going but it's not heavy' Brielle stood up and walked in the rain down to the sand. 'its not even cold. One night it's freezing and the next it's humid and I'm sweating. I know it's because of the summer storm. That was the best sleep I have had in years' standing in the rain, Brielle put her arms out and let the rain fall on her face as she kept her eyes closed. Feeling a peace, Brielle grinned as she started to spin around. 'i feel so free. So relaxed and full of energy. God I could go for a coffee.. that I do miss'
Return To Paradise
AdventureSitting comfortably on the plane, Brielle looked out over the clouds as they thickened. 'what an incredible experience' "a loser on board.." "cut ya shit ebony" "you can't be seriously siding with this loser?" "What has she done to you huh?" Ebonys...