Episode 6: West Side Story

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West Side Story

RSA teetered like it could descend into chaos and hellfire at any given moment. It was slightly bigger than RSD, but not by a whole lot, and both "teams" were cramped in, listening to Dante and Chan as they practically yelled at each other over how they should mix the songs, and what the lyrics should be about.

"I cannot believe I have to work with your mediocre shit," Dante huffed, refusing to allow Chan anywhere near the mixing booth.

"Look," Chan said. "I don't like this any more than you do, but we have to do what's right for the BIRTHDAY girls, or they'll never get their chance to debut."

"You are so morally pretentious; do you know that?"

"Thank you, I'll add it to my resume."

"Well, at least that would be something other than 'idol trainee' for a change."

Nie sucked in a breath at that one but didn't intervene.

"I say we order some chicken, take a stroll around the block, and come back refreshed," Hoon said, taking a deep breath in and relaxing his hands in a prayer motion in front of his chest. "We should cleanse our auras and release the negativity from this creative space before we continue."

KNOW-AH rolled his eyes. "Literally not one person asked you for your input, hippie." His face contorted in utter disgust. "Sit down or get out."

"I don't remember asking any of you for your input," Dante said, not-so-nonchalantly covering the computer screen so that Chan couldn't see it. "Why are you all here?"

Hoon put one hand to his heart. "For moral support," he said. "And maybe some pizza?"

"I liked the chicken idea better," KNOW-AH muttered. "Not that you should be eating all those calories." He rubbed his fingers along his chin. "I could, though. My jawline is looking really good these days."

"That's all the Shurink," Cole said flippantly.

Before KNOW-AH could retort, Cole cut him off. "I'm here because this was my idea." He eyed Dante. "It wouldn't be the first time Dante didn't credit me for a great idea."

"You have occasionally laid foundations, but you never actually build on them." Dante shook his head. "I'll credit it you when you start putting in the work."

"I'm here because I don't want to go back to my classroom until CEO Kang tells me I have to," Hyeri said, her tone of voice implying that she didn't realise this was an argument and not just a casual conversation amongst friends. "I hate that job. I'd do anything to get out of there."

"Don't say that." Minkey's voice was deep, and Nie couldn't tell if it was because he was in pain or if it was concern for Hyeri. "You shouldn't talk to CEO Kang alone. And don't tell him you'd do anything to leave that job. I will go with you if you need to speak with him."

"And just how are you going to do that from your hospital bed?" KNOW-AH didn't sound sincere, but he had unmistakable worry in his eyes that even his bright green contact lenses couldn't conceal. "In fact, shouldn't you be resting right now? Why are you here? You never join us unless you absolutely have to. Then, all of a sudden, a chubby blonde woman shows up and you're magically our bestie? Absolutely not. Get out." He clucked his tongue. "How rude."

Minkey folded his arms. "I'm always here when Dante is recording. He needs me for vocals..." Everyone watched him as he trailed off, realisation washing over him.

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