Chapter 1~ Stop hitting me!

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Waking up in another black void was not on my to-do list, to be honest, and it was embarrassing how long it took me to realize this was the void VOID, like the real deal and then I had a little freak out because I wasn't being pulled apart but then I remembered when Fate said I was now a deity like him and calmed down. Once calm I took a moment to observe my new body, looking at my hands the first thing I noticed are the pastel-like colors raper around my arms like ribbons that head up my shoulders and probably my skull too. then I look down and thank Fate in my head because he made sure I had clothes on as I arrived and wasn't naked like I know most are in fanfictions about being reincarnated as a sans that normally started in a void-like place. Sighing in relief at my tank top and cargo pants I look behind me to see my new bone tail swishing lazily behind me and it also has the pastel ribbon marking rapted around it.

After getting a look at myself I realized I needed a new not-so-human name if I was going to be going around meeting monsters in the multiverse so I sat down to think about it, twisting my tail around in my hand as I pondered on my new name. I know I want to be named after a constellation, and having a name based on the stars has always been a dream of mine, around what felt like hours but who could tell in a place like the void that doesn't run on the same time system as the rest of the multiverse I finally decided my new name will be Orion. Just as I was going to get up my new appendage up and slaps me in the back of my skull, "SHIT! That hurts" Looking at my tail I glare at it as if that would get it to corporate, it just slaps me in the face again this time a little lighter but it still hurts ' you know when I asked for a tail I didn't think it would, think it was funny to slap me in the head anytime it gets the chance' i think while rubbing my face trying to clear up the little pain from the hit.

Finally, I get up and look around the black expanse around me thinking about what to do next but then realize I could just look at the codes if I can figure out how to, so with that in mind I try to imagine a panel of code popping up in front of me and bam there it is, looking at the code it had basic information on the multiverse like how full it is and how many aus and copies there are individual au things and then there's stuff about the omega timeline which ill have to check out sometime soon once I help get the balance back on track. I also have Information about the Gods and Spirits of the multiverse like Ink, Error, and Reaper, as well as Dream and Nightmare so that's helpful I'll have to meet them sometime soon and see why they are neglecting their balance on both of their sides.

Taking a look at the Aus again it looks like Errors trying to do his job so I might as well use this to my advantage and get rid of a few Aus so Inks none the wiser of another destroying Aus right now, I don't need the stars looking for me right now while I still can't get my tail to stop hitting me in the face like it is repeatedly right NOW! Irritatiblly looking at my tail that I had in a death grip looking right at it "If you do not stop hitting me in the face this instant I'll tye you around my leg so you can't kit anything" and finally it went limp in my hand. Who knew having a semi sentinant tail would be such a hassle, sweatdroping i look back to the codes and reach out to grab a chunk of copies making sure none of them were originals i dug my now srarp fingers in the code and pulled them out of the web they had been tangled up in shattering as soon as the disconnected from the originals they were connected to. Looking back at the balance of Creation and Destruction, and seeing a good chunk of Aus gone, but the balance is still far from being fixed but it will give me more time to get used to things around here.

Feeling emotionally excused I sit back down and lean back hoping tomorrow to get more done the sooner I get the balance back on track the sooner I can help Error from being forced to destroy so often, that said I slowly drift off to sleep and rest for tomorrow's long day.

Unknown to Orion, someone did notice the missing aus but thankfully the only thing they felt was relief that he could finally rest and heal his wounds for a while and he too drifts off into a deep slumber...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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