Chapter 8

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"Yeah you can move your stuff over whenever, see you soon!"

I hung up the phone and looked around the house to make sure everything was in order. Riley was going to be coming over in just a few minutes to move her things in.

I still didn't really know much about her, but I knew that I definitely wanted to find out.

Shortly after our phone call, Riley showed up ready to move in.

"Welcome to your new home," I said to her as she brought her stuff in.

"Thanks! I'm so excited," she responded.

She definitely seemed to be a little more put together today and in a better mood. I showed her where to put everything, and watched as a couple of guys with her helped her bring her things inside.

They quickly got everything brought in and partially put away. She said goodbye to them and came and joined me in the kitchen.

I grabbed a bottle of wine out of the fridge and poured us each a glass.

"Cheers to new roommates!" I said, holding my glass up to hers.

"Cheers," she clinked her glass against mine and we both took a sip of our drinks.

"So," I started, not wanting to sound too nosy, "was one of those guys your boyfriend?"

She quickly set her glass down and shook her head. "No, he was um, he was busy today."

The subject of her boyfriend seemed to make her uncomfortable.

"That was my brother and a few of his friends," she continued.

"Oh, sorry I don't mean to ask so many questions about that," I said.

I really needed to be careful of what I was asking this almost complete stranger.

"Oh no, it's okay," Riley said quickly. "I don't mind."

"Okay good," I said, feeling relieved.

We sat there for a few minutes sipping on our wine, both clearly still unsure of what to say. I usually wasn't at a loss for words, but sitting across from a girl I barely knew that I was now living with was a bit of a different situation.

Damn it, I thought, maybe Cas was right and the random roommate thing was a bad idea.

I was trying to think of something that would break the silence and make both of us a little less tense.

"Wanna get drunk and order takeout?" I asked.

Yes, that was my great idea.

A small smile came over Riley's face, "sounds perfect," she said.

I poured us both some more wine and we went into the living room. I handed Riley the menu to my favorite Chinese place as I sat down on the couch.

She sat down next to me and began to look through her options.

I watched her as she looked, trying not to make it too obvious, but damn it was hard.

"Okay I want to order a few things to try," I snapped out of my trance as she spoke and handed the menu back to me.

I called in our order and we continued to drink while we waited for the food to arrive. By the time it got there, we were both feeling pretty good and the conversation was flowing much more easily.

I brought our dinner over and set it on the coffee table and we sat on the floor and began to open everything up.

"Okay I got it," I said as I took another drink. "Let's play truth or dare."

"Truth or dare with 2 people?" Riley asked me as she hiccuped.

"Surrrre why not," I said convincingly. "We can get to know each other more that way."

Riley looked at me skeptically, but she nodded. "Okay fine let's do it."

We both began to eat our dinner as we started to come up with questions and dares to ask.

"Alright I got one, I'll go first," I said.

"Okay I'm ready," Riley said with a nod.

"Truth or dare," I asked her.

"Uhhhh...dare," Riley said.

"I dare you to chug the rest of your glass of wine," I said with a smirk.

Riley eyed her glass that had just been filled up and then looked up at me.

"Fine, I don't want to back down from a dare," she said.

I jokingly started hitting my hands on the table and chanting "chug, chug, chug."

Riley raised her glass to me and began gulping it down. I drunkenly cheered for her as she reached the end of her drink. She was almost finished when the last of her wine spilled down the front of her shirt.

"Oh shit," she said with a laugh, looking down the front of her.

I covered my mouth to hold back my laughter and looked at the big spot on her shirt.

"Hey you completed the dare though," I said with a shrug.

"Damn it let me go change quick," she said. She got up and pulled her shirt off as she walked towards her bedroom.

Damn she was hot, I thought as I watched her. And yes I was obviously checking her out. Just because she has a boyfriend it doesn't mean I can't look...right?

She quickly changed and came back in to the living room and sat down.

"Okay my turn to ask you," she said.

"Truth," I told her.

"Pfft, well that's boring," she said with a grin.

"Hey ask me a good question and maybe it won't be!" I said in response.

"Hmm let me think of a good one," Riley paused as she tried to think of a question to ask me.

"Okay I got it," she continued. "Have you ever hooked up with someone you met on a dating app?"

"Ooo, damn that is a good one," I started, "let me drink a little more before I answer that one."

Riley laughed quietly as I took another big gulp of wine.

"Yup, I've hooked up with a few girls I've met on Tinder," I raised my eyebrows at Riley as I took another drink of wine.

She covered her mouth and started to laugh.

"Oh yeah that's right!" I continued, "that's why you looked so familiar when we first met. I saw you on Tinder once!"

Riley's eyes got wide and her cheeks got red.

"Oh yeah," Riley started, "I um - I'm going to go to bed."

She abruptly got up and walked towards her room, stumbling slightly.

"Riley?" I said as she walked away, "are you okay?"


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