Izumi meets Izuku!

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    Izumi was barely making ends meet. For three years, she's been doing what she can to make money and get food. She lives alone in essentially a shack near Musutafu Forest. No one knows or cares about her. It's lonely, but at least she isn't attacked for being Quirkless anymore.

     As she's sitting in bed reading a few cases from the local hero app, she's startled by a loud slam into her doorn yelping she slowly gets up and heads to the door. When she opens it, a weight collapses on top of her. Squeaking, she falls to the floor with a young man wearing a green rabbit hooded Hero suit on top of her. She bit her lip, feeling his head bounce into her breasts.

    "H-Hey wh-who are y-you? G-Get off!" She squeals, but he doesn't move an inches. She looks and hears slow, ragged breaths and barely scrambles out from under him. He seemed to be out cold. She groaned and panicked before shutting her door and dragging him to the bed.

     Barely able to lift his heavy ass up on the bed, she lays him down. She doesn't recognize him from any hero school, hero work, or even stories online. Swallowing hard, she reached up and pulled off his hood. Freezing at the sight of the boys face. "Holy shit! He looks almost just like me!? What the hell is going on!?!?" She shouted accidentally, waking him up. "H-Huh? What's g-going on?" He asks, slowly sitting up. Face to face with the girl who shivers in terror.

     "Dream?" He asks, and she shakes her head. The boy groans. "Dammit, Hatsume, you didn't invent a teleporter. Let me guess. Your last name is Midoriya, and you're the quirkless daughter of Inko Midoriya, yeah?" He asks as he grabs the bridge of his nose.

    "Y-Yeah....how did you know?" Izumi asks as she crosses her arms under her breasts. He blushes as he looks to the ceiling, confusing her. Until she looks down and realizes her cleavage is very noticeable, and the shit is barely containing her breasts. "Dammit, why do they have to be so big!" She shouts as she grabs a blanket and covers them.

    "Dunno, but they look great.....shit why did I say that? I'm sorry!" He shouts as he facepalms. Izumi blushes confused. "Anyway. Uhh, I'm Izuku Midoriya, formerly the quirkless son of Inko Midoriya. Nice to meet your breasts crap I mean, meet you!" He exclaims, blushing deep crimson. Both groan.

     "Used to be? What?" Her head swimming Izuku nods as he stands up slowly. She leaps up and helps support his weight. "Thanks. Heh. Who knew I'd make such a beautiful girl. Sigh, sorry I uhh. It's very awkward. Are we by Musutafu Forest?" She blushes hard at his weird compliment and query. "Well, uhh, thanks. I make a handsome boy too, I suppose. Uhh, yes, we are. Why?"  Izuku smiles softly.

    "Is there a cliff about 1300 meters out that leads up to the mountain?" She nods, and he smiles. "Well, uhh, I have enough strength to get us there. I need to get there fast. Can you join me, Izumi?" She blinks and shivers. "Uhh, maybe, but this is all the clean clothes I have." She points to her tight shirt, booty shorts, and socks.

    He nods and smiles." Holding a hand out to her. "I'll keep you warm with my quirk." He said, and she swallowed hard. She grabs his hand, and he begins to spark with emerald lightning her hand feels warm from the energy he's emitting. He picks her up with a yelp and holds her thicc thighs and back. Quickly racing out the door and to the cliff face in mere moments. She felt incredible warmth. As well as a blush from his powerful hands on her thighs and back.

     He stands breathing heavily and grimacing in pain as he walks them to a small rock jutting out of the cliff. Twisting it, the cliff seems to split in two before opening wide. Stumbling inside, he set her down as the cliff shut. "Help me get to the lab....please Izumi." Izumi shook her head and helped him as he pointed the way. Once they got inside, he pointed to a small box of syringes. "I need one of those. Hatsume didn't realize it, but this is a different universe. That will acclimate my body to this universe so I can exist here." She sits him down and grabs a syringe handing it to him. He, without a thought, stabs his thigh, injecting the fluid.

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