Chapter 9

11 7 1

Author's POV:

Author's POV:

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"I'm in love..." - Yuna

"huh?...HUH!?!? YOU'RE IN LOVE?!" - Sooah

"Shh! Are you gonna tell the whole world or what???" - Yuna

"Sorry sorry. But seriously?? You're in love???? Who's the guy, huh?? Spill the tea!!" - Sooah

"It''s Kim Seokjin.." - Yuna



"Kim Seokjin? You mean Jisoo's brother?" - Sooah

"Oh please, obviously him. He's the only Kim Seokjin in our class." - Yuna

"Right- and?" - Sooah

"And I need you to help me confess my feelings to him. Please, Sooah-ie, you're the only one who can help me." - Yuna

"Gurl, I'm the least closest to Jin. And he's Jisoo's brother. Why are you asking me for help??" - Sooah

"Because...I feel weird to ask Jisoo to help me out with her own sibling.. And there's no way I can tell this to Jennie or Lisa. They'll tease the hell out of me, let alone Rosé." - Yuna


"Pleaseeeee. Help me out, please please please. Pretty please~~~~" - Yuna *puppy eyes*

Sooah sighs and says, "do you really love him though? I mean, you just met him a few weeks ago.."

"I do. Trust me, at first I was confused too. But now I know, that I really do love him. I love him like crazy, hah.." - Yuna *smiles shyly*

Sooah sighs again, "alright. What do you want me to do?"

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~

"Do I really have to do this??😑" - Yoongi

"Yep!" - Sooah

"Why should I do this in the first place??? Bruh🙄" - Yoongi

"Because you're my one and only 'big brother' " - Sooah

"We're twins" - Yoongi

"Stillllll, you're the older one!~" - Sooah

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