Egg {7}

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y/n's pov:

A few hours later finch wakes up, with all the injuries that he got from whatever happened were all patched up. William climbs down the latter from the hayloft. "Fae should be all nice and comfortable up in the hayloft where I put her." he says. "Okay." finch says in reply. finch then tries to sit up but then cries out in pain as he quickly lays back down, holding his side in pain. "God, how long will this take to heal." finch mutters to himself. he then flaps his wings, causing a large gust of air to hit me in the face. finch is now sitting upright, still clutching onto his side. "that was a lot easer." he says. he then also moves his long-feathered tail to make sure he can still control it. I walk over to finch. "need help?" "well, can you help me get up?" "no, you have to take it easy. you don't want to hurt yourself more. do you?" "no..." he looks down at the floor. "I do also have one thing to ask of you." I say. " go on." he says. "why were you so injured when we found you?" "Oh, uh- I was running away from- someone. but all I can really remember is my wife- she was great. but we got attacked by a group of people. I'm unsure of who they are and what they wanted but, my wife told me to grab fae and fly as far as I can- but they hit my leg while I was taking off with fae and... they beat me. I still don't know if my wife is alive or not." he explains. I look at him with sympathy. "I'm very sorry to hear that." I say "but also, can I stay here, just for a while?" he says "of course you can, you need rest too, besides where else would you go?" I say. he looks at me with hope in his eyes. "oh, uh- well thank you!" he exclaims. "Don't thank me, It's the right thing to do, even for a stranger." I say. I smile at him. he smiles back. I then notice out of the corner of my eye that William is opening a trap door in the ground. I turn in the direction. I see him pull out a guitar and an old looking piece of paper, with notes on it? sheet music. he then looks my way. "uh- hi!" he says. "what'cha got there?" I say. "oh, its a guitar and some sheet music." "can you play the song?" "uh- sure?" I look at him then the piece of sheet music in his hand. he begins to play. 

"Run, run, don't trail behind, keep moving

The beasts won't stop 'til we're dead

All the scrapes on our knees

Will tell you where we've been, where we have bled

Oh, we play, ah

In autumn days, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah

Won't lay down our heads 'til the day is won

Won't stop running 'til we reach the sun

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Chasing all the things that are keeping us young

We won't stop running 'til we reach the sun

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Oh, we're building a home

With the mud and the stones and the branches we bind

We're all just searching for something

Bigger than we're all able to find

Oh, we play, ah

In autumn days, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah

Won't lay down our heads 'til the day is won

Won't stop running 'til we reach the sun

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Chasing all the things that are keeping us young

We won't stop running 'til we reach the sun

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

We are all creatures of the sunlight

We're all children of the day

We're just chasing what we can't ever get, ever have

Won't lay down our heads 'til the day is won

Won't stop running 'til we reach the sun

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Chasing all the things that are keeping us young

We won't stop running 'til we reach the sun

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

All those scrapes on our knees

Will tell you where we've been, where we have bled"

(song is 'woodland' by the paper kites)

"wow, that was- amazing!" finch says. William bows. "can we hear another song?" I ask. "yes of course! let me grab my clarinet." he says. (don't question it.) he opens up the same trapdoor and replaces the guitar for a clarinet. "ok! here I go!" he says happily.

"He wants a shoehorn

The kind with teeth

People should get beat up

For statin' their beliefs

He wants a shoehorn

The kind with teeth

'Cause he knows there's no such thing

He asked a girl

If they can both sit in a chair

But he doesn't get nervous

She's not really there

He wants a shoehorn

The kind with teeth

'Cause he knows there's no such thing

Tour the world

In a heavy metal band

But they run out of gas

The plane may never land

He wants a shoehorn

The kind with teeth

People should get beat up

For statin' their beliefs

He wants a shoehorn

The kind with teeth

'Cause he knows there's no such thing

What's the sense

In ever thinkin' 'bout the tomb

When you're much too busy

Returnin' to the womb?

He wants a shoehorn

The kind with teeth

People should get beat up

For statin' their beliefs

He wants a shoehorn

The kind with teeth

'Cause he knows there's no such thing"

(song: 'shoehorn with teeth' by they might be giants)

"I- uh how do you know all of these songs?" I say. " I have all types of instruments and pieces of sheet music that I made or got." he says. "well, I'm quite tired so I'm going to bed." I say. "me too." william says. "I'll be near fae if anyone needs me." he says as he climbs up the latter to the hayloft. his fluffy fox tail being the last thing I saw before he disappeared fully. I help lay finch back down and head to bed with the others, who, slept early. I then go to my bed and sleep.

[a/n! remember you are valid and don't forget to eat, sleep and drink. I love you to those who are reading this <3 also! cute picture of axolotls]

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