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your leader immediately gave you medical attention while the other members was exploring the "abandoned place"

"come on! xXLilyXx! get me a bottle of water! their waking up!"

your eyes opened as you see a dark place with your leader and his assistant xXLilyXx was very worried that they might lose another member from that purge leader they met in the sewer.

"wh..- what happened..-"


"he meant how are you feeling y/n? do you feel hurt from the car crash?"

car crash? oh wait.. its the vision i saw when i was half awake

"uh.. i am ok Lily..-"

suddenly the lights turned on and for a minute the tv turned on and it said 'secret evil base'

"uh.. don't blame me there wasn't a sign that this is an evil base.."

"but anyways theres a gym there.. i guess we can train guys"

most of the members understood and trained, the kids were playing around

yet again you asked your own leader if you can go now, i mean he let you but still worried about your health.


most of the adult are training and some was fighting

you were exploring instead haha, but since you're doing a bit of a detective work you found a guy called detective brandley, and.. he's hiding behind your because theres a rat.. wow.. just.. wow..

you eventually put back the rat in the hole and closed it.

"phew thank you so much, you never believe i am scared of them!"


your sarcastic tone came out of no where as you looked at the bulletin board

"hey mister? whats this?"

"oh! its my detective work on this purged, because they started it.."

you got curious.

"may i ask who?"

"i dont know, but some called headmaster of the scaries' created it."

brandley scoffed at the guy who started this, as the guy called.. head master? that sounds famili-


[ you were just talking to mary since shes relaying on you on helping her plant roses since you're the only school gardener in here, first time having a mary request? Yeah.. very rare ]

[ as you were in the school garden planting roses, as larry saw you in the garden as he walked up to you ]

"what are you doing y/n?"


[ y/n got startled by larry which cause you to accidentally spill the watering can to spill out of shock ]

"..- i- i am sorry for scaring you y/n!- i thought you kne-"

"its ok larry no need, just the plant is overwatered.."

[ she scoffed in frustration.. ]

"oh.. erm.. but i heard theres a rumors going on the place"

"oh? spill it larry"

[ larry flushed a bit as he thought your eyes will be on the plant, but didn't expect to have your eyes on him ]

"w- well.. have you heard that mary had a assignment from the head master??"

"huh?? she did?? but getting an assignment from a head master is impossible!-"

"yeah but i- i am happy for mary!"

[ just mary.. only mary.. he keeps talking about mary ever since he gqve the letter to her.. i feel losing hope on teeling him my feelings... ]

[ whats the use on accepting her request.. ]


you got startled with detective bradley after he knocked you to the floor since some teen was holding a rat and tries to give it to him, as he kept running around

"ok.. go back to the leader alex_1290.."


at least you guys can continue, and you asked him again.

"where did you get these clues and.. missing posters.."

"eventually i got it from uncle pete"

you were shock actually- that. that old man??? HIM??? looks like i mischaracterized him

"i- i am not going to ask..- but-"


something caught your eye, its.. larry's missing poster that you made years ago..

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