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„ no.. it can't be. „

you were.. shocked. and cant accept the truth. this isnt real.

"are you ok..?"

detective bradley kneels down and puts his hand to rest on your shoulder

"... where did you get this."

"uncle pe-"

"no other than that.. like what place did you get this poster..? "

"i don't really know, but he mentioned that he found it on a school"


your cursing was disturbed by the tv, saying a group of people broke in to their base and now shes sending backups to kill us, wow??

detective bradley and y/n got down as soon as possible

"y/n catch!" said xXLilyXx

giving you a broom, would you survive with this..?? errr if you ask your own leader he'll explain that blah blah ok i am not talking this nerd side of his.

the rooms are closing as everyone is in the middle room.

"the 1st batch is here, get ready."


[ you were just watching larry from a far, seeing larry talking to mary, ugh.. you we're jealous about it, until someone was behind you ]

"hello there dear y/n"

[ ugh. not him please. ]

[ its your "friend", you guys was in good terms in childhood, but today? nah.. he kept teasing you about you love larry, he annoys you, and has that idiot smug face. ]

"wish i could remove your stupid smug face."

"dont be mean y/n after all, were friends aren't we? hmm?"

"ugh just get out please.."

"staring at your crush i see"

[ you got flustered about your crush once barry mentioned it ]


"woah woah chill y/n"

[ you gave him a side eye that you don't wanna talk about larry ]

"after all.. have you heard larry gave mary a love letter hm?"

[ your mood dropped. ]

"dont talk about that."

"oh i see.. you know about it.."

[ he walks at your direction and stops by ]

"what if i told you their in love"

"n- no their not."

"denying the truth aren't we?"

"shut up please shut up."

[ the more he talks about the subject, the more hope to ask him out before mary does. ]


"fine fine, since i am "good" friend ill leave you alone"

as he walked away

[ you on the other hand was crying, not believing and believing his words at the same time.. larry.. larry.. you wont love her by now... ]

Right...    ?


the first batch of enemies was dead, all because of your leader's plan, now your leader and his co leader are thinking of a new plan for the next batch

the kids are safe, the teens are supervised by uncle pete, and you and bradley? well you guys just continued doing the detective work.

twado is just twadoing juwt being himself


and for 10 minutes bradley shows you some of the people that got victimized on this work

mary, larry, barry, luke, brookie, y/n and.. that headmaster...

"look i know you're victimized in this show-"

"yeah yeah i know, because i studied there"


"so.. can you recall some your events when you were in teenhood?"

".. sure.. but if you tell anyone i will k-i-l-l you"

"fair, now sit down lets talk about this."

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